Friday, February 4, 2022

The Narcissist: Any Publicity is Good Publicity

They say that any publicity is good publicity, and never is it any more true than in the case of a narcissist. Their insatiable need for attention, known as "supply," is so overwhelming that as long as they know people are talking about them or otherwise paying attention to them, it really doesn't matter if it's for good or bad reasons. 

 They always need to be in the spotlight, on their own private stage, made up of lies, theft, projection, abuse, anger, fear, hate, total lack of real love and empathy, and other such things that make up their little fucked-up theater show that they call reality.

 For instance, if I said that an ex was a vile, pathetic, demonic sack of shit...that she was a slut, a whore, a felony-level thief, a compulsive and really bad liar, a cheat, a godless bitch, a robot, a delusional moron and even an animal abuser (fucking piece of shit), she'd get off on the attention. That's how fucked-up narcissists are. And BTW, never once in my life have I used such language about a woman I dated. I never even called someone a bitch, not to her face that is, until I met my ex. I said it because it's true. 

 Actually, she might take a bit of offense to the "moron" part, and she was hypersensitive to being called stupid, but that's because she is. Maybe I should say "dumbass." Anyway, there you have it. If someone said things like that about me, I think I'd be wanting to get the fuck out of the spotlight, but not a narcissist. They eat it up and come back for more. "Can I have another?" How fucked-up do you have to be to actually enjoy horrible shit that's being said about you? You only have to be a narcissist. Beware!


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