Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Pedo Files: This Look Says It All (introducing Pedoface)

The look on the guy on the right's face is incredible. You can click to enlarge. He's a cop who's been called to the scene of a cofrontation between a predator and predator-catchers. He's just found out that not only was the guy on the left there to meet with a 13-yo girl, but that he wanted to do horrible things to her, and he had a bag of "toys" that included a leash and collar, "clamps," lube and "anal relaxer," and even a buttplug. "Sick" doesn't describe it.

 I can't remember ever seeing such a look of pure horror, disgust, repulsion and shock in my life. It's from the heart, and it pretty much sums this bitch up. For the five seconds or so that he held this look in the video, he deserves an Oscar. You can't fake that look. The other officer commented "Oh, dear." Indeed. That's classic. 

 For the record, this piece-of-shit is a standout in the world of pedos, who're deeply-sick to begin with. He was into other very disturbing shit besides just kids. It's hard to imagine a person like this. He's a godless, soulless, heartless, remorseless monster. Cops have seen it all, and aren't usually shocked. This cop was. If looks could kill...

 This creep is an automaton. His lifeless stare was hard to watch. He's an empty vessel, and empty vessels are what Satan wants. This person has a demon, and I mean in the literal sense. I don't care if it sounds crazy...if demons are real, they're real, and we'll all know the truth one day then, won't we? If they are real, then this fuck has one for sure, and probably several actually.

 Speaking of Oscars, this fool is just like a fucked-up character out of a David Lynch film, only it's much creepier because this guy is actually real. He makes Eraserhead look like Christopher Robin. It just now made me laugh to think how fucked-up this guy is...that's how bad he is. You just have to laugh for a second, to relieve the horror. They say that actors sometimes get into roles so deeply, especially with characters like this guy, that they remain in character when the cameras aren't rolling, and even after shooting is over. I'd hate to play this fuck in a movie. As it is I may have nightmares.

Up until now, this iconic image, from King Crimson's legendary first LP, was the most striking example of this kind of expression, although it's a little heavier on the fear-factor, but the look on that cop's face is just as intense to me, and again, because it's real. 

 Sadly, the artist, Barry Godber, died suddenly and at a young age, and before he got to see his masterpiece released on the LP jacket. I always wondered what inspired him to do this painting. Maybe he met a sick fuck like Pedomon here. 

I have to say that the cop's face stands up to Barry's. The folks who are building AI robots, and want to get the most lifelike expressions, should study this cop's face. Barry Godber's face is still freaking people out to this day, after half a century, but sorry, Mr. Godber...there's a new face in town...the Pedoface. Fucking yikes. Protect your kids. 



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