Tuesday, January 25, 2022

"Blickum Brought Me Here"

I just told the story about a crazy thing that happened during a livestream from Lone Eagle on YouTube (see: Crazy). The whole thing seemed a bit strange, and although he was okay, he left people hanging, as to how he was doing and what happened. He finally went live today, but unfortunately I missed it. 

 I replayed the stream, but the chat wasn't showing. Hopefully it just hadn't processed yet, and is up by now. Lone was on his way to the gym, and filming the sights as he went. He was sober, sounded great and apparently smoothed things over with his lady. Nice.

 For the first ten minutes or so he told what happened, and thanked people for saying they were glad he was okay. I was hoping he'd give me a shoutout, since I'd gone live on his behalf, and out of love and concern, but at first he didn't mention it. As more people came into the chat, he was addressing the comments. He started saying "Blickum brought me here." He said it several times, and it was pretty cool.

 It was my peeps. They'd seen the notification when I went live the other night, and had clicked-on to see what was up. After learning the story, and seeing all the love and concern for Lone, they'd subbed to his channel, and had joined the chat. I was thrilled to know they'd subbed him and were chatting. He gave me a shoutout and thanked me several times. He told the story of how I'd gone live, to give his people a place to keep in touch if his stream cut out, which it did. 

 As I said in the other post, it turned out to be an amazing livestream, and several people think it was meant to be. Five of my very best gals on the 'Tube came in...Kayle, Cherrie, Darlene, Paris and Marci T, and I know for a fact that if we were living in the same town, I'd be giving one or two of them a holler, heck yeah. There was pure love in my chat, and I couldn't ask for more. 

 It was surreal...seeing a guy saying he was the Devil,  and attacking our boy, live on YouTube, and not knowing for well-over half an hour what had happened to him. We were going back and forth between my chat and Lone's, which was broadcasting dead-air live. A few things didn't add-up, but when Lone went on today to tell the story, it sounded completely legit, and I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. 

 I had to consider all angles, and if by chance he was pulling a "Jussue," and it was a hoax, then me going live might've thrown a wrench into the plan, and he could've been mad at me, but that's the absolute worst-case scenario. He knew it was out of love and concern, and more for the peace-of-mind of his girlfriend than anything. Until some of my guys came in, I was doing a livestream for mostly people I didn't know very well, yet, and I'd never have done that for any other reason but Lone.

 Having said that, and as I said before, it made me look like a great guy, whether or not I'm really an asshole in real-life. I got some great publicity, although it wasn't my intention. I've been a guest on several other YouTuber's streams, but I hadn't gone live in about 18 months, so it's not like I'm looking for attention on YouTube. It ended up turning into a really nice hang. 

 We got word about half an hour after I went live, that Lone had returned and he was okay. I was going to thank everybody for coming in and shut it down, but people were having such a good time chatting and getting to know each other that I let it roll for another two hours. It was good fellowship (Oh, NO...is that sexist?), if only digital, as it were.

 Lone's people are good people, as are mine. They're kind, intelligent and passionate about things, and they gotta lotta love in their hearts. Plus they're curious and thirsty for knowledge and the truth, and they think outside the box, and guess what...if nobody ever thought outside the box, we'd never have "new and improved." We'd never grow an inch. These days they're mocked, but without them, society would stand still. 

 Overall I'd say it's all good, and I came out smelling like a rose. Lone and I exchanged people, and I picked up a dozen or so new subs. I've known that most of his people are cool, and I know he'll enjoy having my people on his channel. It was nice getting a shoutout. "Blickum brought me here." I love it.


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