Friday, January 21, 2022


I recently talked about something that's heavier than most people realize. Most people these days don't believe God is real, and even less believe Satan is real. First off, if God is real that is, you can't have God and not have Satan. God created Satan...aka Lucifer. We don't get to pick and choose, based on what we believe.

 The crux of the biscuit regarding whether or not God and the Devil exist comes down to only two possibilities- either they exist or they don't. The odds be fifty-fifty. Forgive me for quoting Zappa here...I can't help it. Either God and the Devil are real, or they aren't real. It's literally a flip of a coin. Dig that for a minute. 

 The thing is, if they're real, then the whole scenario is too, and there's a Heaven and a Hell, and we go to one or the other place when we die. The other possibility is that when we die, that's afterlife, no nothing. That means we never had a "soul" to begin with. I could be wrong, but I think more people believe that we have some sort of soul or spirit or life-force or whatever you want to call it, which carries on beyond death, than believe in the existence of God and Satan. There's really only one way to find out, and we all will one day. 

 What's interesting about the so-called near-death experience is that, while the experience can vary wildly, many people say that as soon as they shed this mortal coil, they realize that their earthly life didn't matter really, and it's the "spirit realm" that's the deal. In a way that's a sad thought, but it makes perfect sense in relation to a "Heaven," where there's no hate, anger or would have to be that way.

 People would have to be equal in Heaven for that to work, so earthly accomplishments, or lack thereof, wouldn't matter. It'd truly be a world where all people are equal, and truly live in harmony, not like the New-Age, "We-are-the-world" false, bullshit rhetoric that the Satanic Elites spout. I suppose it's obvious what I believe, and it's just my opinion. I could be wrong...there's a 50-50 chance. What's crazy is, I hope I'm wrong. I don't like to think about people taking the down-elevator when they die (Oh, no...let's go). 

 Forget the Bible...forget the Book of the Dead...forget what anyone thinks or says...maybe it's like my friend Champ once said- it's like being in a room, and the lights go out. The very last thought you have is: "Hey, who turned out the ligh..." and that's it. You're gone, end of story, no Heaven or Hell. Or you do go to Heaven or Hell....not Purgatory, not the Seven Circles of Whatsis or wherever else, but literally up or down. They say Heaven is...well, in the heavens, and Hell is somewhere inside Earth. We do know that it's hot as fuck near the center of the Earth. 

 Most people have a hard time conceiving eternity. Try comparing a century to 100-billion can't be done, and eternity is even longer than that. Come to think of it...some might say that there's a third possibility- reincarnation, and instead of going to a Heaven or a Hell, we go to some sort of clearing-house...maybe like a waiting room, where you take a number, have a seat and wait to become a newborn baby again, or maybe a toad or a cow or something. Since the Bible says that "we're appointed to die but once," and either the Bible is real or it isn't, I'm going to toss that out. 

 In his amazing autobiography, the late, great Keith Emerson quoted the philosopher Gurdjieff as saying that basically we "die as houseplants." That could very well be true, and sometimes I hope it is. If God is real, that means that there will also be a Judgement Day, and I'll have to answer for the bad shit I've done, just like everybody else. Some folks are going to have some serious 'splaining to do. I've sinned like there's no tomorrow, as it were, but I'd hate to have to answer for some of the things these sick fucks have done, and again I mean the Satanic Elites. If there's an afterlife, they're fucked. For eternity.

 Like I said, I usually don't fuck with 50-50 odds, especially when it comes to eternity. It doesn't matter if someone thinks the probability of God and Satan existing is exactly zero, or 100%...the odds are 50-50, all day long. It's a flip of the coin. Do you trust your soul to a flip of a coin? You have to choose. Choose wisely, my friend. 


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