Thursday, January 20, 2022


Yeaterday morning around 1:30 I went live on my YouTube channel. I haven't gone live in over a year, and didn't plan to, especially at that hour, and I'd never have guessed the reason in a million years. 

 Around midnight here, ten his time, a guy who goes by Lone Eagle went live on YouTube. I've been on his channel 4 or 5 years. He's an interesting, funny, talented, friendly and all. Back when I first subbed him he was into things like earth-changes, poking around on Google Earth, the so-called "Mandella Effect," plus many other topics. 

 He became a "Christain" two years or so ago, and when he started talking about Jesus, he lost a lot of subscribers. He used to get over 100 people in his live streams, but now he rarely gets a third that many. I stayed with him because I was thrilled with his decision. When I saw he was live I popped on. 

 Lone's been going through some shit. He's Native, although I forget which tribe, and he's from Canada. A couple years back he met a woman on his channel, and they fell in love. About a year ago he pulled up roots and moved to LA (of all Godforsaken places he could've moved) to be with her. It's been rough on him, and an old drinking problem resurfaced. Around New Year's he went live, and I realized he was wasted. I was shocked.

 It's causing problems with his woman, and she wanted him to move out until he can get a handle on his drinking. He did a couple of streams and he was sober, but when he came on yesterday evening it was apparent he'd had a couple. He was seeking solace in his YouTube friends, and he was being honest about what's going on, and big props for that. My plan was to watch the stream but not comment unless I saw one of my friends in the chat. 

 He's been going live from a park near where he and his girlfriend live. There's people around in the daytime but it's deserted at night. He was sitting on some bleachers in a pavillion-type structure that appeared to be enclosed by glass and fences on three sides. As we watched, a homeless guy walked up and started talking to him. Everybody in the chat got nervous, because of his body-language and his general vibe.

 It was friendly at first, but people in the chat were trying to tell Lone to split, but he wasn't reading it. He had a little buzz going, and didn't seemed to feel threatened. They talked for a bit and the guy was cool until Lone mentioned Jesus. We couldn't hear everything he was saying because he was mumbling a bit, but he wasn't into hearing about Jesus. Lone said he was live, and told him he was Lone Eagle. The guy said "I'm Lone Wolf." That was weird. 

 Then he said "I am the Devil." At that point I think I might have been thinking about getting the fuck out of Dodge, but Lone kept talking to him. Sure enough a scuffle ensued. You could hear yelling and cursing, and the scenery was tumbling around. Apparently he grabbed Lone's phone, and Lone started to run away. What was really, really weird is that the guy was filming Lone as he backed away from him. Then he tossed the phone along a road or sidewalk. The lights spun wildly and the phone came to a stop. We heard more loud voices and the guy laughing, and Lone yelling for help a few times, but apparently there was no one around to hear. Then it got quiet. Crazy.

 Amazingly the phone was still working and broadcasting live, although the screen was almost dark, and we couldn't see anything. You'd hear a car go by and an occasional distant voice, but nothing else, and it went on for a long time. We were all sitting there with our jaws hanging open and our stomachs in knots. Thankfully his girlfriend was in the chat, and she called the cops. We didn't hear anything else for almost half an hour. 

 I don't know Lone very well; he's addressed some of my comments, but the only way he knows me is because he likes my channel name, and when he sees me in the chat, he'll say it over and over in rhythm, which is exactly the point. About two years ago I said something that cracked him up, and he remembers me for that. I know his girlfriend even less, but I asked her if she could go live on her channel, so we'd have somewhere to stay in contact, in case Lone's phone died or the stream ended.

 She doesn't have a laptop, and she doesn't have enough subs to go live on her phone, so she asked if anyone would go live, and I volunteered. I was thinking about doing it anyway. I set up a stream and put the link in the chat. His girlfriend came in, and everybody else soon followed. Within about two minutes over 30 people had come in, and the chat was flying by, which was a new experience for me.

 There were several people I'd met on Lone's channel way back, and who'd stayed with him through the changes. I tried to keep up with the chat but I only caught about half the comments. Everybody was quite concerned, but trying to stay calm. There was a lot of prayer. It was funny because I forgot that it was me doing the live stream. I almost felt like it was still Lone's stream, since it was his peeps in the chat. So I was surprised to see some of my YT friends pop in. Most of them didn't know about Lone, and I was thinking "Where did they come from?" 

 I'd forgotten that it was my stream. My friends saw the notification bell light-up, and came on so see what was going on. I've known these people for several years, and they're very special to me, and just how special few people could know. Besides concern and anxiety, the vibe in the chat was pure love. These people truly are something special. I was thrilled to see people I knew coming into the chat, and I introduced them to Lone's friends as best I could. 

 The whole thing was so weird...she'd call his phone, which was still broadcasting live on YouTube, and we could hear it ringing, but no answer. Finally we heard footsteps approaching. Someone commented that it sounded like "cop shoes," which it did. The phone was picked up and turned off, but still no word from Lone. It definitely wasn't he who picked up his phone. 

 We were still monitoring his stream, and when it went out, it was a good thing I went live, since we hadn't heard a word from Lone. Anyone could've done it, but I was glad his girlfriend trusted me enough to do it in the first place, and it turned out to be a pretty special thing. Finally, after about half an hour, Lone's gf came on and said that he was fine, and on his way explanation, except that he'd been hit in the face a few times. Maybe they were both in shock, and we were just glad he was okay. She said goodnight and signed-off. I know that as bad as we were all feeling, she must've been losing her mind.

 Everybody was whooping it up (digitally) in the chat, and thankful he was okay. I talked to everybody for a bit and I was going to sign-off, but so many people were still chatting I decided to let it roll. My dog had to take me out, and I just left dead-air on a livestream, usually a no-no, but nobody cared. I was gone about ten minutes, and when I got back only a few people had left, and everyone else was still chatting away.

 Everyone had put very nice comments in the chat, thanking me for doing the stream, but again I'm glad his gf was cool with me doing it, and anyone could've done it. Having said that, although I'd been wondering if I'd ever go live on YT again, there I was. I got back into the chat, and the only reason I was really aware that it was my livestream was the fact that I could see my goofy face on the screen.

 People were getting to know each other, and saying that I should go live more often, just so we could hang, and I guess I'm cool with that. I'll have to learn Streamyard or something, but if I can do livestreams and get that kind of vibe, I'm in. Most of the people, Lone's and mine, were pretty much on the same page as far as general beliefs go, which made things easier, but still I was amazed at how people were talking like old friends. Again, these folks are something special.

 45 minutes after Lone returned people were still talking, so I stayed on for another hour, until the adrenaline wore off, which it did for everyone else too, and I reluctantly signed-off, promising to stay in touch with the new people I'd gotten to know better, and they me. There were three gals I've known since way back in the meteor-page days, about six years. I had a really nice time with everybody, and we all pretty much agreed that it didn't happen by chance. 

 I was going to delete the livestream, but the narcissist in me didn't want to. The comments in the chat made me look like a great guy, although again it wasn't anything special. I did try to be a good spur-of-the-moment host, for people I didn't really know, but it was no biggie. By the time it processed, and showed up on my channel, just a couple of minutes, it already had more views than all but one or two of my vids. It's over triple the number of views my vids usually get, although I'm guessing most of them are Lone's people. I've managed to fool a lot of people on YT into thinking I'm a good guy, and I may leave it up, to reinforce the myth. It makes me look like a kind, caring individual, ha-ha.

To be fair, I have to look at all of the possibilities, and a few things don't add-up. Here's the perp BTW. He knew he was live on YouTube, but he made no attempt to hide his face. He was a scary-looking motherfucker, that's for sure. Something told me to get a screenshot of him, before he started the fight, and several people went back and grabbed screenshots.

 Two people recorded his livestream, and have listened back to it. They left comments mentioning strange things like random voices, which I'd like to hear. Oddly, Lone took the video down. He left the last two streams up, where he was obviously drunk and occasionally rambling, but he took down that video. 

 Unless something happened that we're not privy to, you'd think that since he was speaking up for God, against a guy saying that he was the Devil, getting into a brawl and coming out okay, and with a story to tell, it'd be good publicity for him. I have to say it was for me, although I wasn't looking for it. Again, I know they were both in shock, but I think if it were me, and I knew someone had set-up a "flagpole" where people could meet to keep up with the situation, I'd at least get my gf to pop into the chat to say thanks, but I can't pretend to think for anyone's just strange. 

 I'm sure he's heard by now that I set up a stream. I know he gets tons of emails and comments, and can't possibly reply to all of them, but he hasn't gone on with a video yet to let people know what happened. His gf certainly seemed to be glad that I went live, and I know everyone else was. I got to know some really cool people a little better, and I got at least half a dozen new subs. The last thing I want is a big channel, where I have to spend hours a day on it and not make a penny, but I welcome people like them any day. They're my kind of people, and if they're like the friends I met on YT years ago, some of them will be my friends from here on out. 
 I met other people who care about other people, and by far that's the most important thing to me...well, of course that Lone was okay, which goes without saying, but the whole night was weird, on so many levels. I know he's got some shit to sort out, and I hope and pray he does, and finds a way to quit drinking, and saves his relationship. I don't know her but she seems like a really good person, and I know Lone is. I hope they work it out. I also hope he lets us know wtf happened. There's a lot of people who're waiting to find out. Ha-ha, and they were all on my channel last night. That's crazy. Peace.

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