Tuesday, January 25, 2022

My Job in Heaven

If there's an afterlife, and I make it to the good place, besides playing music and gardening, my job will be to take care of all the animals who were neglected and abused. It's hard to write about this. It rips my heart out of my chest to know it goes on, and that's the only thing that'll put it back.

 I can't talk about this without mentioning that EVIL, Satanic sicko, Dr. Fauxci, who enjoys torturing Beagle puppies. Letting them be chewed to death by sand fleas? Research? RESEARCH??? That piece-of-shit fuck. If there's a Judgement Day, there's a lot of people whose shoes I wouldn't want to be in, but Fauxci's are the biggest. What's truly fucked-up is that most people trust him to tell them what to do with their bodies. He's the worst of the worst. You'll see. 

 Actually, in Heaven, the animals wouldn't really need that much taking care of...it'd be more like playtime. I'd have Mr. B by my side, and all the other animals I've ever known or had as pets. Speaking of pets, I know a few pet-owners that likely won't make it Up Yonder, but their animals will. Supposedly in Heaven, all our wishes will be granted. I don't know about that...I've been known to enjoy a hooter and a nice BJ from time to time, back in the good ol' days that is, but we'll have to see. I guess those carnal desires will be gone, which is probably for the best. 

 My wish would be to hang with all my dearly-departed friends and family, and the animals. I don't care about streets of gold or any of that. Wealth has never been my goal. I wouldn't mind having a  nice crib though. The Good Book says that "In My house are many mansions," and I'm okay with that. It'd be fun to have some sort of vehicle, maybe a hotrod rice-burner or something, that goes a million miles per hour, so I can cruise the rings of Saturn and stuff, but I'd be cool with a little garden, a hut, a bicycle, a juicer, a drum kit, and my animals. That'd be Heaven to me, and I'll apply for that position. Maybe Jesus will hire me. 

"For as you do unto the smallest of these, so you do also unto Me." - God


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