Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Daily Bullshit: The "Nocebo Effect" WARNING: Extreme Bullshit)

I've been doing the "Daily Bullshit" series for over a decade, and there's some good ones, but I think this takes the cake. The latest batch of bullshit from the top is that all of the hundreds of thousands of people reporting negative reactions after doing the Hokey-Pokey, are just imagining's all in their heads.

 They've dubbed it the "Nocebo Effect." They came up with a cute name that everyone can remember, and I'm sure they're tickled to death with themselves for coming up with it. This makes my blood boil, and it's already pissed a lot of people off, especially the ones who can see through the LIES, not to mention the ones who had the bad experiences. What pisses me off the most isn't the lie, but the fact that most people will believe it. It's not only a lie, but IT'S HARMING PEOPLE.

 So why haven't people heard about all these negative reports? It's called "censorship." Did you know that so far, around 250,000 Facebook accounts have been deleted, for reporting negative effects of the secret sauce? That's right. The posts weren't deleted, the entire accounts were. They tried to call it "medical misinformation," but it's precisely the opposite. It's medical INFORMATION, pure and simple, and anyone who thinks otherwise simply isn't thinking.

 They shut down those accounts forever. so people couldn't simply report their experiences again. Were they all lying? They took it willingly, and were expecting positive results. You can't sue any of the companies who make the Sauce...they enacted that into law, SIX MONTHS before the first dose rolled-out. With normal meds, we have 1-800-BAD-DRUG, where you can sue if a medicine harms you, even way down the road, but with the Sauce, that's off the table. Does that not send a message? All that money...and not a PENNY will ever go to anyone who may be harmed from the and forevermore. It should straight-up be illegal. They KNEW ahead of time there'd be major issues. They KNEW.

 Did you know that so far, over 80,000 women have reported having menstrual-cycle issues- changes in their cycles and excess bleeding? It's true. Look it up. I'll stop here and say that I'm not trying to freak people out, most of whom have already taken it...I'm trying to hip people to the fact that people who don't want to put an UNTESTED SUBSTANCE into their bodies aren't crazy, hateful, harmful, politically-motivated, or any of the other bullshit they try to tell us. With most people the decision is MEDICALLY-MOTIVATED, period. 

 Speaking of censorship, people who were reporting these very same issues a year ago were BANNED. They tried to simply suppress it, but when the numbers get that high, they have no choice but to address it, and that's where the bullshit comes in. It's "Damage Control for Dummies," only in this case, we're the dummies. It should totally wake people up just knowing what they try to suppress, but sadly it doesn't. 

 So they SAY that these issues are only "temporary," and pose "no threat to reproduction." How the FUCK do they know, when they don't even know WHY it's causing these problems? They're ACKNOWLEDGING it, so how the hell can they call it a Placebo Effect? Oops...I mean "Nocebo Effect." Tell that to the 80,000 women who're freaking out right now...some of whom are very worried about how it might affect fertility. Excess bleeding is just all in their heads?  It's bullshit. Come on. Wake up.

 To date over 100 athletes, many soccer players, in the prime of life and in the peak of health, have collapsed on the field from heart attacks, and quite a few have died. Reckon that's just "all in their heads?" I doubt it. If we were used to over 100 athletes collapsing from heart attacks every year, it wouldn't be any big deal, but we're NOT, because IT'S NOT NORMAL. The ONLY difference in the past year, and ALL other years in history, where maybe ONE guy might collapse from a heart attack in a given year, is, you guessed it...the Hokey Pokey. They all ordered the Secret Sauce. Do you think it's a coincidence? 

 They've also acknowledged blood-clotting issues from the Sauce, again, only because enough people were talking about it that they HAD to address it, and try to do damage-control. Of course they say the risk is "minor," and "worth the risk." Incredible. Oh, but they also say that it's all in their heads. Which is it? Tell the 12-yo boy who had a stroke (yeah, that's normal too), and had to have blood clots removed from his brain, that it was "all in his head." Well, actually it really was in his head, but you get it. 

 When it's all said and done...IF it's ever all said and done, TRILLIONS of dollars will be made from sales of the Secret Sauce. They say it's "free" too. Ain't no free. Trillions will be made. What do you THINK they're going to say..."Hmm, y'all, there are risks here," or "Of COURSE it's safe!" Yep, right. "Of COURSE it's safe." 

 There's tons of negative reports about the Sauce, and no matter how they try to suppress it, they can't hide it forever. People are waking up to this bullshit. Think back to when the Secret Sauce first came onto the scene. They said that taking it would keep you from catching it, and from spreading it, 100%. Remember? Now we know that wasn't true, but most people don't consider that, and wait to gobble up the next round of bullshit. 

 Now, all they can say is basically that it "lessens severity, and the chance of a hospital stay." Okay, it's not what they promised us at first, and it's not a bad thing, but is it worth the risk of taking an EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTANCE, just for those benefits, and for something with about a 99.9% recovery rate for most healthy people? Is it? It's your choice...please let it be ours. 

 Many people know that MILLIONS of people who danced the Hokey-Pokey did NOT do so willingly...they were threatened with job-loss, being barred from public places, and now even supermarkets and ATMs, for the love of God, and other things, and I totally understand. In fact I understand people wanting the Sauce for ANY reason. I get it. Fear is a very powerful tool, and sadly people really do believe every single thing they're told, as long as it's the "Official Explanation." If people want to trust their bodies to people who are KNOWN liars, it's their business. For people who don't, back-off. 

 Oh, and here's some numbers...a recent study in New South Wales showed that of patients in hospitals for the Bug, 68% were fully-sauced, while 28% hadn't had it. How 'bout them numbers? They immediately tried to debunk it, but they couldn't this time. They tried to say that the study didn't indicate whether or not they'd been boostered, and some nonsense about "New South Wales vs. the rest of the country," or some shit like that, but they couldn't "fact-check" it, because numbers don't lie. If you don't believe it, look it up. I wish you would. 

 Did you hear about the Mink trials? Minks have an immune system very similar to ours. They injected them with the RNA-altering, spike-protein-producing Sauce. At first the results looked promising...they were resistant to "bugs" at first, but soon after, their immune systems begin attacking themselves (Autoimmune Disease), and trials were halted. And yet it was PERFECTLY OKAY to EXPERIMENT on humans! If you don't believe this, look itTF up. If you're going to call people "stupid" or whatever, for not wanting an EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTANCE in their bodies, please look this stuff the fuck up. Do it. 

 And the BRIBES...when have people ever been BRIBED to make a medical choice? It's "for our safety?" Bullshit. They're bribing people to order the Sauce, with everything from free burgers and fries to free weed to free sky-miles to shopping sprees to gift cards to cruises to Super Bowl tickets to free cable to cash lotteries worth up to a million to cars to reduced prison sentences (no shit) to you-name-it. So far the most extreme bribe comes from I believe Austria, where children AS YOUNG AS 14, with "parental consent" of course, can get a free romp with a HOOKER. It's true. If you ask me, it's unimaginable, it's pedophilic and utterly Satanic, but sadly, very sadly, not surprising. Yet again, y'all, WELCOME TO THE BEAST SYSTEM. 

 The efficiency of the Sauce goes down to around 15% after only a few months, hence the "boosts." My sis came over about a month ago, practically bragging about just having gotten boosted. I'm surprised they didn't give her a sticker and a lollipop. Heck, if it were me, and I'd decided to take the juice, I'd wait and at least take advantage of some of the bribes. Maybe I'd go to Austria and order the Sauce, and fuck a hooker for free. That's just as crazy as them trying to tell us it's "all in our heads." Wake up.


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