Sunday, December 27, 2020

Vitamin D and Immunity

Vitamin D, vitamin D, vitamin D. Get some now. It's one of the best things you can do to boost your immune system. I won't go into it, but if you can trust me to know how to do a little research, I'll say that there are a ton of things that are directly working against our immune systems right now, and it's going to get much worse. You need to do all you can possibly do to strengthen your immune system while you can. 

 The best and most easily-absorbed way to get vitamin D is free- sunlight. Be careful though...this will be the third year in a row that UV-C rays have reached the surface of the Earth since they've been measuring, and it's dangerous. Protect your eyes but if you can get just a few minutes of sunlight here and there you'll get a lot of natural vitamin D. 

 Speaking of, and what should bear this out, is two recent charts that were published a few days ago, although you certainly won't see them on CNN.'s a secret. Dig this:

This chart came out a few days ago. It shows new cases of the "bug," and you can look it up for yourself on the Florida Department of Health website. It shows the cases have held steady and aren't increasing sharply, as supposedly they are in most other places. But gets better. 

Looky here. What do you see? The death rate has gone down almost to zero. This is real. It's also exactly the same in certain other places around the world like Sao Paulo and elsewhere...the charts look almost exactly the same. So what's the deal?  The common factor in all these places is sunlight. People hang out on the beaches all year long. In my book it's strong evidence to support the vitamin D theory. You won't hear this on mainstream news. I wonder why...

 The best way for most people, and I'd suggest that everyone get some, unless you're a lifeguard in Miami or something and you're in the Sun all day, is to buy it in capsule form. I always wait until it goes on sale 2-for-1 at the pharmacy or supermarket and it's really cheap, especially for what you get. There are lots of other ways to boost your immune system, including drumming, which is the absolute best way, but people are only going to do what they're going to do, and taking a pill is easier. Of course you can always eat foods rich in it. Natural is always best. "To your very good health!" - Keith Emerson


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