Wednesday, December 23, 2020

It Wasn't Ironic Back Then: When Bruce Still Had One

I was watching a video and of all things the Village People movie, which came out in 1980, came up. Apparently the movie was so bad it inspired the Razzberry Awards or something like that. I didn't see it, although I'd probably watch it now.

 The video showed about a minute of the movie, and it was the perfect clip for someone like me whose sense of humor is both sick and twisted. I got a kick out of it and I had to wonder if the video's creator noticed. I'd think so. I love brutal irony, and this is savage.

The former Bruce Jenner starred in the movie. In this scene Valerie Perrine's character is distracted, and walks right into Bruce, who's just pulled a hot pan of cinnamon rolls or something out of the oven. She knocks it up against his crotch, and it burns his pecker, as we see in the first image. In the second image we see his reaction. That was comedy in 1980. I suppose you could still get away with it today, although I really don't know. I don't keep up with TV shows or movies any more. 

 Back then it was only funny on the basic level of a guy burning his dick, but now of course there's another layer to it, and it goes much deeper. I'm sure you get the irony. Let's just say that if by some miracle they did a remake of this movie only in the present time, Bru...I mean Caitlyn couldn't redo her old part. Burning one's dick is one thing. 

 I saw all this stuff in real time. I remember the fucking Village People, and going "What the fuck?" and how their music shot daggers into my ears, and soul, and I remember Bruce Jenner, with gold medals around his neck,  on 250 boxes of Wheaties on store shelves. A few years later all of the sudden he was a woman, and I went "What the fuck?" Stereotypes be damned I guess. Well, there's a theory that will sound completely whack to most people, but from my years of research I wouldn't be one bit surprised.

 When he was still Bruce he was involved in a wreck that killed one person and injured one or two others. There were civil suits but no charges were ever brought against him. Of course there's no way you or I would've avoided jail, but as we all know, "stars" get preferential treatment. Still it's odd that he got off scot-free. Some say it goes way deeper.

 They say that he was given an ultimatum by the elite, who've been pushing this trans thing for the past decade or so, because that's how they roll, and the former Bruce Jenner was given a choice- either spend a long time in jail, of doff the dick, and further their agenda. I get that it sounds crazy but crazier things have happened, and having an iconic, manly-man becoming a woman would certainly drive the point home.

 Caitlyn says that she always felt like a woman, but I don't know if that's true...maybe it is but when I look at her face I see something that looks out of place...maybe disappointment or shame, but maybe that's just me. I just know that when I see most trans people they at least look happy in their own new skin. I don't see that with Caitlyn, but maybe I'm wrong. I'm certainly not a hater. I don't hate Caitlyn for one second, or anyone else for that matter. I don't carry hate in my heart. 

 I remember something from way back in the day. It was around the time that margarine products like "I Can't Believe It's not Butter" came out and claimed to taste like butter. The commercial showed a bunch of happy numbnuts going "Duh, it tastes just like BUTTER!" Some daytime TV show decided to test the theory in real-life. They got a bunch of famous people for a taste-test panel and Bruce was one of them

. They made a batch of toast or something and buttered half and put margarine on the other half. Not surprisingly everybody could tell the difference in one bite...everybody but Bruce that is. He was kind of laughed at but he just got a big grin on his face and said he couldn't tell any difference at all. I thought "This guy's daft." 

 I realized that he pretty much fit the profile of a true jock, or had sandpapered his taste buds off. Then some time goes by and next thing you know he's...or rather she's Caitlyn. Not being able to tell the difference between butter and margarine is one thing, but I never thought he'd go and cut his dick off. I never sawr that one coming, but ain't life crazy? It sure provided for some brutal irony. Enjoyed it.




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