Friday, December 25, 2020

Beautiful Things: A Christmas Miracle

Last year around this time I got a call from my friend Kat. She has a double masters in psychology and works in town. She was calling about someone she'd worked with and who was a longtime friend. She'd just been diagnosed with a disease I forget the name of at the moment. It has widely-varying degrees of severity and can be fatal on occasion, but Kat didn't tell me how serious it was. 

 All she said was that her friend was anxious about the diagnosis and was having trouble sleeping, plus she'd been in a lot of pain. The meds she'd been given weren't working nearly as well as she'd hoped, and they were making her feel worse. Imagine that. Kat knew I was into herbs and natural remedies and things like that so she asked if I could recommend some things for her friend, whom I'll call "A." 

 I said I'd call her back and spent the next few hours putting together a list of things that had worked well for me, plus a couple of things I hadn't tried but was pretty sure of except that I wanted to double-check to make sure weren't contraindicated for her condition. I called around to all the health-food stores in town until I found one place that had everything, so Kat wouldn't have to drive all over town. I sent instructions on how to prepare and take everything, making tea and such, and Kat said she'd follow it to the letter.

 A few days later I was thinking about Kat's friend, and wishing Kat would call me and tell me that the stuff had helped, but she got busy with work and family, and as it turned out since was a licensed medical professional she was staying with her friend so she could remain at home, but I didn't know that at first. Finally almost two weeks later Kat called me, and I asked how her friend was doing. "Oh, she died peacefully last night. She wanted me to thank you." 

 I was stunned. Kat hadn't told me that she was actually dying. "I'm sorry for your loss" I said. "Thanks" she said. "I was with her when she left. I blew her a kiss and told her she was in for a wild ride, and she gave me a thumbs-up and closed her eyes. It was very peaceful." Wow. I didn't expect to hear that but it didn't sound like a bad way to go really. I was glad to hear that Kat could be with her. 

 "And I want you to know something" she continued, "the last ten days of her life were the most peaceful she's had in a long time. That stuff I got her...she was able to relax, and get a good night's sleep. Her pain went way down and she couldn't believe that. She quit taking almost all of her meds. She was able to come to terms with her condition and the fact that she was dying. We spent most of the time talking about her life and going over old times. She was a sweetheart. You'd have loved her. She wanted me to thank you and send you her love. You made her life sooo much better at the end. She thinks you're a Shaman. Don't ever forget what you did for her. She won't"

 I couldn't have asked for anything more than that, and I had tears in my eyes. That was my best Christmas gift last year. My parents showed by example that it truly is better to give than to receive, and luckily a bit of that stuck with me. I just have to put a shout-out to's yet more proof that they work. To know that A found more relief from natural herbs, which are the basis for ALL medicines to this very day, than man-made meds and was able to lose the side-effects and actually be in less discomfort than with the meds was beautiful. If it's a feather in my cap then that's cool but it's just because I took the time to experiment and give herbs a chance, and they came through with flying colors. This is 2020 and I haven't done shit in 2020 but for the year 2019 that wasn't a bad good deed. I'd only hoped to give her a bit of relief but it actually helped her transition into whatever's next. That's heavy. I'm happy that she felt better in her last days. Who knows...maybe I'll get to meet her one day. Merry Christmas.


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