Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Madam Expiration Date

There's a guy on YouTube I follow and he comes up with some funny stuff. He's been ragging on Madonna for the last few years, and perhaps rightly so. He calls her "Madam Expiration Date," which is based on her "Madam X" tour or persona or both, that she came out with whenever it was. That's hilarious. He's right too. 

 Here we see her still dressing like a teenager. I will say that at least her breasts haven't gone further south than the Mason-Dixon Line yet, but what's 85 years old? Maybe it's time she got a nice polyester jacket or know, dress her age. Not many grandmothers can still be rockers. Play music still, if you want, sure, but maybe act your age? Joni did it successfully, but oh, well...WTF do I know? Madam Expiration Date. So true. Good one dude.

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