Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Great Ebb and Flow

The B*ble says that there will come a time of both an awakening and a turning away from God. It also says that a light will be shone upon the darkness, and all evil will be exposed. Sadly it says that even the "elect" will turn away from God.
 As for the turning away, that's evidenced by the satanic darkness creeping rapidly into all forms of entertainment, and anyone who can't see it basically just doesn't want to. It hurts my heart but it's how it is. Think back twenty years or so ago, or even a decade...all this slimy shit that is being rolled out in the media and such would NOT have been tolerated not that long ago, but it's the "frog in the boiling water" analogy. I hate that analogy but it illustrates the deal perfectly.
 As for the "great awakening," or people turning to God, bring it on! In my opinion there IS a Creator, and He loves us. As for the turning away, that's just a part of it too. One reason is that so many "Christians" believe that God will "Rapture them up" and they'll go floating up to Heaven before any of the bad shit starts. I don't think that for a second, and I'm afraid that if all this is real, and it does happen, they're going to be in for a shock. Not having floated up before anything happens is going to make them completely doubt their faith, and they'll reject the God they've believed in. It's sad, but they won't be able to stay the course.
 As far as a society eliminating God from prominence, I've heard all my life that every society that does so is doomed to destruction (see: the Romans, Greeks, Sodom and Gomorrah, etc.). I do know of many examples, and it's a matter of record. I also recently mentioned that the researchers who study the collapse of civilizations, and the reasons why, have observed that a universal trait in all of them just before collapse is a condition known as "sexual ambiguity." We're there. With all this "gender-fluid" bullshit and the like, there you have it. Please don't shoot the messenger. I don't WANT any of this to happen. Only a madman would.
 Whatever I, or anyone else has to say about it has zero bearing on the outcome. I'm simply making observations and sharing my opinions. I don't claim for one second to have "special" knowledge or to be "enlightened," as a good friend recently accused me of. Anyone can look into all this stuff for themselves, which I've been begging people to do in this blog for a long time. The only difference is that I have looked into it, and most people haven't, even for five minutes. Knowledge is power. It's all there for anyone to see, given they have a bit of discernment. Oh, and knowledge erases fear.
 We're ALL a bit afraid in these troubled and uncertain times, whether we admit it or not, and we're all in the same fucked-up boat. With the shit I've learned (through decades of observations) you're damn straight I'd be afraid, but guess what..."placebo effect" or not, my faith eliminates fear. It's truly a blessing to look at all this shit going down and not be afraid. Actually I should rephrase is definitely frightening and it does scare me sometimes, but I don't live in fear. As I've also said, knowing this shit only makes me appreciate the beauty in life that much more. It's like someone who comes back from a near-death experience, and all of the sudden the grass is greener and the sky is bluer and all of that. It's exactly the same.
 Look into it for yourself if you've a mind to. We've all been given free will. Choose wisely my friend. God bless.

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