Thursday, June 13, 2019

Random Funny: Describing a Busy Chat Room (Lone Eagle)

If you've ever been to a few chat rooms on YouTube you probably know that some fly by like a blur and some you could make a sandwich in between comments. It depends on how many people are in the chat. I love to read comments and I'd occasionally hop in a chat room to marvel at the comedy and lunacy and outright bullshit but I wasn't about to engage some asshole. I only said anything in one recently.
 Anything up to around 200 people is easily manageable. Up to 500 is not too bad but you have to almost be a speed-reader. Pushing a thousand in chat gets well-nigh impossible. Someone can highlight your name so you can see a particular comment, and even then you might miss it. I've seen chats with more than 2,000 people in them and it's a blur. With all the emojis and shit flying by it looks a bit like an animated graphics cartoon or something. Fancy a chat? Forget about it.
 One of my favorite people on YouTube is a guy who goes by the name of Lone Eagle. Lone is a trip. He's Native and lives in Canada. He's one of the smartest, funniest and most interesting people I've ever met. He thinks outside the box which is of course important to me, and he has a unique way of looking at things as well as a real gift for getting his ideas across in an understandable and humorous fashion. Lone is always smiling. He's so funny that he often laughs at what comes out of his mouth because it surprises him sometimes, and funny is funny. He's one of those people who can't help but be funny. If he makes a mistake he'll laugh at himself too, and that's means he's human. Unlike many YouTubers Lone shows his face. You can see his expressions and his body language. He's a good dude and he's not faking it. You can see that. He's the real deal.
 The other night he was a guest on someone's live show. There were several-hundred people in the chat, and Lone and the host were both trying to read comments to them while talking, and Lone pretty much had to give up on it. People are always saying hello to each other. Some are discussing the topic at hand while some are just shooting the shit. Some people get hot with each other, and there can be passionate arguments, or just plain fights. Add in the "animated emojis" and it's a real circus. He was describing the chat flying by, and he goes "Man, when the chat's flying by, it's like: 'Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi, Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you.'" I almost fell over laughing 'cause that's exactly how it is. I'd never have thought to describe it that way. That's hilarious, and that's why I watch Lone Eagle. Please chat responsibly, and don't feed the trolls.

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