Friday, June 28, 2019

Random Funny: Eatin' that Pie

I recently met a woman on YT who goes by the name of Cheese. I was telling her last night about a great channel with a guy named Bruce who has several gnarly telescope rigs and who does hi-res photography of the Moon and stars and stuff. He also takes videos in the IR, and catches things not visible to the eye, such as mysterious lights that move and fly unlike traditional aircraft. It's hard to deny that "something is out there" when you see those vids.
 A few minutes ago I noticed that Bruce was having a live stream so I popped on, and there was Cheese. I was really glad to see her and glad she took my advice. I'm still getting to know her and I wouldn't call her aggressive so far, but she wasn't born yesterday. She's polite, witty and very smart. She's only been "awake" less than two years, and all this crazy shit is new and scary and bewildering to her, and I get it. She has a lot to learn but the key is she's learning. She asks some very intelligent questions. She says she feels stupid asking about things most of us already know, but I told her that the only thing that would be stupid is to NOT ask questions. I really dig her.
 I saw her in Bruce's chat and I said hello. Bruce lives in Canada so he speaks fluent French, and American women seem to think that's hot. Cheese made a comment saying "Is it me, or do other people get hot (she used a flame emoji instead of the word) when Bruce speaks French?" Of course there was a chorus of LOLs from some of the other females in chat. I got a kick out of it. She made another comment or two but I don't remember what she said. Bruce was about to close down the show because his pizza had just arrived and it was dinner time. He opened the box to show his pizza. Cheese goes "I'm on your pizza." I lost it laughing. That's dynamite. With all due respect to non-funny women, those who have an excellent sense of humor are a turn-on. Good one, Cheese. You funny.

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