Thursday, June 6, 2019

Billion with a "B"

YouTube has recently started yet another round of purges. The thing is most people have no clue since they don't watch so-called "truther" videos, and it's understandable. I'll say again for the millionth time- WTF is wrong with finding out the truth? It used to be viewed as a noble pursuit. Not any more. Now you're labeled "crazy." Such is the way of the world, and guess who rules this world... the Father of Lies.
 This illustrates it perfectly. I've mentioned to some friends that YT was cracking down on "truthers" and whatnot and that I'd been observing it on a daily basis for three years. They'll say (with the typical smirk I might add) "I don't think so." Right. Their "I don't think so" trumps my three years of direct observations. How much time do they spend observing this? That's right...ZERO. You'd think intelligent people would at least be open-minded. Nope. No can do.
 Even though I obviously let it rip on this blog and hold back nothing, I've tried to say things on my YT channel without really saying anything. I don't want my channel taken down, but I pretty much expect it at any time. I'd hate to lose all my vids that now only live on YT. And they wouldn't just wipe my vids about chemtrails (YES, they're real...LOOK IT UP); they'd strike my whole channel. Hmmm...I wonder why...
 Well, dig this: Even though YT isn't funded by ad revenue as most people understandably think, ads obviously generate a shitload of money for whomever. If I mentioned who funds YT, people would call me crazy and stop reading right here. In any case I just read that YT has lost $2 BILLION in ad revenue by purging so-called "conspiracy" channels. No matter who funds YT, who in hell could afford to lose TWO BILLION DOLLARS? Huh? Are you serious? That's a good chunk of change. And before you go pull the ol' "I don't think so" routine, it's a matter of record. Just the fact that anyone can afford to lose the equivalent of the GNP of a small country just to silence certain views should tell you something. I was helpfully reminded that it's their platform, so they can do anything they want. Thanks, Captain Obvious; that goes without saying, but that has nothing to do with anything. You should be asking why.
 YouTube is fucking with people in any way they can, and it's only going to get worse. I saw an article just last night about how YT prides itself on being a platform where people can freely exchange ideas, blah-blah, in a free and open blah-blah...BULLSHIT. It used to be that way but it's not any more. And again, if you watch the latest Cardi B vids, how-to vids, sports vids, LOL Cat vids or whatever else, you'd never have a clue it's really going on. You'd probably say "I don't think so." It's understandable, but when you hear people like me say this it is going on, perhaps you should listen. Use your critical-thinking skills, if you still have any. At least consider it. It won't hurt you at all. You might actually learn something.
 If YT is eliminating the types of vids I've mentioned, oh, and "Christian" videos, then what do they promote? Slimy, satanic shit for one thing. Look at the latest Pop vids. It's fucking disgusting. If you watch this filth, how does it make you feel? Uplifted? Happy? Optimistic? Joyful to be a part of God's creation? I doubt it. But that's what they're promoting. Have a look for yourself. Look in the "trending" section. They also promote p*dophilia. That's right. They also have shit like women who let their dogs lick them in fun places in real-time and on camera. No, they don't show certain parts, but...OMG I'm about to hurl thinking about it. You certainly don't have to watch that shit but that's the kind of thing they promote.
They also promote the trans agenda, and the so-called "gender-fluid" bullshit. The idea that ANYONE could be gender-fluid is pure insanity, but people will, and already are, accepting the idea. Why? Because it's pushed in the media. And they call us crazy. Think about it. Do I sound crazy? I guess so. That's a shame. I care deeply for this world and I hate to see it go to shit. Yeah, there's beauty in this world. Tons of it. But a darkness is creeping across this great land just like the shadow of the Mothership in Independence Day. If you can't feel it...or at least feel like something isn't quite right, you're not paying attention. And in case you didn't know...the bad guys are coming after our kids.
 If the fact that anyone can afford to lose TWO BILLION DOLLARS just to suppress certain ideas and values; especially positive ones, doesn't wake you up I don't know what will. Sure, we don't like to think about bad shit. I get it. I don't either. People will accuse you of dwelling on this shit, but that's only a deflection. It's human nature. But knowing about something and dwelling on it are two completely different things. Knowledge is power, and the truth shall set you free. No truer words have been spoken. They say breaking up is hard to do, and it is. Waking up is a million times harder. I get that too. It hasn't been easy for me or anyone else, and once you wake up, you can't go back to sleep. You can't unsee things, as they say.
 So do I sit around in a deep state of depression over all this shit? FUCK no. Yes, it's depressing to learn. Very depressing. But guess my case it only strengthens my faith, and it truly makes me appreciate the good things in life, and that's a true blessing. I KNOW who my enemy is. Or at least that's my studied opinion. You can believe what you wish, but you should at least look into this stuff. If you don't care what's happening to the world you live in that's one thing, but if you don't do it for our kids, then you're an asshole. Sorry, but you are. If ONE WORD of what I'm saying is true, we're fucked. Unless people think for themselves instead of letting Google think for them, it's over. Look into this stuff. There's an answer. Wake the fuck up. It's your only chance. It's OUR only chance. Have a nice day.

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