Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Cosmic Coincidence #73,717,192,709: The Meteor Peeps

Right around the end of 2015 I prayed that God would send me some new friends who were not only believers but also awake. I seemed to get an answer right away that said that I'd definitely meet some new people, but not necessarily face-to-face. I didn't understand what that meant but I pondered it for a bit and went on about my business. Okay, Lord.
 A few months later in Spring of 2016 I was on the meteor page. It tracks incoming meteors. I've been going there for years...I don't know how long. Most times I'd go on I'd be the only person in the world on there. It was like they'd set up the site just for me. Then the meteor activity started ramping up as the Earth entered a massive debris field which we're still going through. More and larger/longer-duration meteors were being picked up, as well as anomalous energy readings that were literally off the charts, and definitely not meteors. More people started logging on, and then I noticed comments and realized there was a chat room. I had no idea.
 I'd never said a word in a chat room and had no plans to, but then I noticed that most of these people were really intelligent, and knew a hell of a lot more than I did. Finally I got up my nerve and made a comment. Next thing I knew I was talking to all these amazing people from all over the world, and mostly through humor I began to connect with some of them. Of course you can put your best face forward on the Internet, but the more I talked to these folks, and some on the phone, I knew that they were genuine. I still talk to many of them almost on a daily basis. All these crazy syncronicities started happening but that's another story.
 One by one these people won me over with their spirit, humor and amazing intelligence. Besides regular people like me who just wanted to learn there were some serious people who really knew a lot about sky stuff, and I realized that beyond meeting some cool people in a way I'd never have thought of, it was also a great opportunity to learn. I've learned more about the sky and space and such from three years in the one chat room than in all my schooling combined, and I studied this stuff. I was blown away. The smart people were very patient and willing to share information freely, and obviously enjoyed doing so. I always say that the heart of a teacher lives there and it's true. It was humbling and incredibly inspiring.
Then one day it hit me...could these people be the ones I prayed for? It sure fit the bill and it made perfect sense out of an "answer" to a prayer that I didn't understand at all. Wow. I'd never have imagined such a thing but I embraced it fully, and I now count a dozen or so of them to be legit friends, if only digitally as it were. Was it an answer to a prayer? Nah, surely not. It was merely a coincidence. Just a coincidence, that's all. THIS HAS BEEN A COINCIDENCE. Have a blessed day.

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