Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Injection WTF

[NOTICE: This post is not intended to replace medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure anything besides lack of knowledge. Have a nice day.]
 Here we have yet another drug on the market. It's a non-insulin injection to help control blood sugar. I'm quite sure it's been declared "safe" by the Federal Demonic Association. Yep, it's cool. Hit up. Side-effects? Oh, hell yeah. You know the story on that. All I'll say else is that if you think that meds are the only way to control blood sugar or blood pressure or any number of things, you're quite uneducated.
 The ad says "Helps control blood sugar in combination with diet and exercise." The problem with that is that most people won't bother with the diet and exercise part of the deal. And what they don't tell you is that if you really work hard at it you can control blood sugar with diet and exercise alone. So many people think that pharmaceuticals are the only way to go and they're all you need and they can fix anything all by themselves. It's sad. Look into the meaning of the word "Pharmakeia," which became our modern word "Pharmacy." It's enlightening. It's what the real story is.
 What's curious is that the ad vid for it says "Do not share needles." What, do people shoot this shit? I thought it was intramuscular rather than IV. Do people sit around going "Hey, I just cooked up a batch of Ozempic...can I borrow your needle?" Can you get high off it? They mainlining Ozempic? WTF? I'm just kidding of course and I know they're just covering their asses legally in this day and age of "idiot warnings" (Driver on closed course. Do not attempt.), which, since we're apparently about stupid as fuck, we need, but it really shows how dumbed-down of a society we've become, and that's by design. I keep trying to hip people to that idea but they can't even comprehend it. Could it be because we've all been dumbed-down, yo? Think about it. Look into it. Do it. Seriously, do it. God we're dumbasses.

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