Monday, May 21, 2018

You Can't Get Away from It

I was going to do a post about eyesight but this caught my eye instead. Shit's everywhere nowadays. I wanted to make sure I had something about retinol right, and the first site I saw was called My thoughts flashed to some hot, healthy babe with maybe just a touch of the "Grateful Dead" thing going on, but instead it was basically a corporate site. It was all slick and pro-shot and basically an advertisement for upscale "beauty" products. Oh, and the last thing I thought before I clicked the link was "At least I probably won't see any Illuminati bullshit for once." Wrong. There you go. First site, first pic.
 There it is...the one-eye symbolism. Every damn one of them does it. They have to. This woman (?) went out of her way to pull her hair over her eye. It's no accident, and it's no fashion trend. It shows where their true alliegence lies. They have no choice at all. It's right in front of your face. Wake up.

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