Monday, May 21, 2018

Spelling Bee of the Day

I recently discovered a couple of drum companies I've fallen in love with, which, with all the people making incredible drums these days and me being a bitter, jaded old fuck, is saying a lot. The two companies couldn't be more different in materials, philosophies and such, as their locations, one in Germany and one right here in my neighborhood over in Georgia.
 I'll probably do a "boring drummer" post about these companies at some point, and I think their scenes would be interesting even to non-drummers. I can't say "non-musicians" here. It's drummer, not musician. Besides being totally badass drum companies, one guy did a treatment on one of his drums that flipped me out because it's exactly what I did in high school, and I never thought of anyone else doing it. But this is just a quick comment on the youth of today. They're our future, you know.
 I was checking out some vids of some of the kits and snare drums and there was one with what appeared to be a very young enorser. I clicked on it and sure enough the guy couldn't have been too much older than legal drinking age. He plays in a Country band that rocks pretty good and is also apparently very popular, but I was surprised at how big the crowd was at a show in part of the vid. That must be the norm. Those drums aren't cheap.
 He was talking about how much abuse they'd withstood on the road and still looked new. He was definitely pounding the shit out of those things in the video. They showed sort of an outtake or a blooper deal that was supposed to be funny. Apparently he'd said something abou the drums being able to support an elephant. The clip started with him looking embarrassed at not being able to spell the word. I was a little embarrassed too. "How do you spell 'elephant?'" he said, and the camera stayed on him for thirty seconds or so as he sat there like a dumbass trying to spell elephant. It was rough. Then he quipped "I dropped out of college for a reason." Wow. I thought you learned how to spell elephant in elementary school.

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