Thursday, May 31, 2018

Bad Jokes Coming True

NOTICE: This is NOT hate speech against the Chinese people or any volcanic activity. I hope we're clear on this. Thanks, lol.
 It was around ten years ago when I first "joked" about this in another blog. I'd been reading about the trade deficit and all the other stuff going on with China. I joked that pretty soon we'd have to change "USA" to "USA, XRoC." That's short for "Extension of the Republic of China." I was joking that the US would become a subsidiary of China and would have to change the name.
 Fast-forward a decade, and what do you much has been done to try to equalize the imbalance, only without using actual money. All I can say is it is what it is. To try to illustrate the point would sound like fiction to most people; especially since when they hear something that's a bit out of their wheelhouse, they'll spend the next two minutes calling the source crazy and saying it must be wrong without any evidence whatsoever, rather than taking that same two minutes and looking it up for themselves, but most people think that their opinions somehow magically outweigh facts. That's just how things are. Apparently that is what it is too.
 Put it this way...although it's not on display yet, technically there's a new plaque for this iconic feature; one that's recognized worldwide as a major symbol of America. It reads: 老忠实. Have a nice day. :)

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