Saturday, May 26, 2018

They Thought of Everything

Okay I get it. People who simply make observaions about things that don't add up or that are the opposite of what they're meant to be are automatically called crazy, and without benefit of any investigation, and I suppose it also sounds crazy to say that it's by design, but that's how it is. Things sneak in that seem innocuous at first, but little by little you begin to understand the purpose.
 Remember when being "politically correct" was just a phrase? We joked about it. "Uh-oh, I'm not being 'PC' ha ha." You remember. Okay flash forward to now. How many times have you started to make a comment on Funkbook or somewhere and stopped yourself; for fear of " offending" someone or saying the "wrong" thing? You've probably done it 100 times by now. I know I have. "Nope...can't say this. Can't say that. I'd better rephrase this." There you have it...PC come to life. Do I sound like a lunatic? I suppose so. Oh, and BTW what I'm saying here will probably be tagged as "hate speech." That's funny considering that I don't even hate people whom I absolutely know hate me. I don't have the energy to waste on hate. I never have and I never will. Hate will eat you alive from the inside out. Google it, Dylan.
 This "report abuse" link started popping up a year or two ago on websites, YouTube channels and such, and now it's everywhere. The owners of these sites didn't place it there: it's just there. They'd have no need for it. Any "abuse" on any site is just digital. If some asshole makes a nasty comment on your YouTube channel for instance, you can block them with one click. Same with any website. It's no big deal. But now, those same assholes can simply click the 'report abuse' link and it counts as a strike. It doesn't even have to be legit, and most times it's not. See how this shit works?
 For most people who even noticed it; even someone who's somewhat observant and can see 5' past their smart screens, it seemed at first like something to ignore. At first I thought it was a good thing. If someone was having problems they could report it. I didn't realize that it would be kept track of, and logged as a mark against the site. Here's the kicker: It's  pretty much a 100% a lopsided deal. Alls the trolls have to do is click the link and say "I'm offended" or "This is hate speech," and that's it. There's not even a casual look into it; much less a proper investigation to see if the claim is legit. It's almost automatic. The complaintant is always right. The channel owner can file a rebuttal, but the process ties things up and frustrates them and wastes time, which is the point, and in the end they often lose. Three strikes and you're out. Just like baseball.
 The upshot is that a YouTube channel, and more recently websites, can be shut down in a matter of minutes, and 99.9% of the time it's totally bogus. People work very hard for years developing their websites or channels, and BOOM, they're gone. Ostensibly what this link was supposed to be used for was to stop abuse on YouTube channels and websites, but what it's really used for is to stop certain people for saying things that certain people don't want them to say. It's fact, and all data relating to it is available for public view. This is not a "conspiracy theory." It's fact, Jack. Are you beginning to get the picture? As Mag would say: "Wake yo' ass up." I second that. Get ready to say goodbye to a shitload of truly informative, entertaining, and badass sites. They'll disappear with one click. And we're letting it happen. That's the sad part. Well, see ya. I have to go the store now. I'm out of Reynolds Wrap. Have a nice day. Oh, before I go...there's that eyeball thing again. Imagine that. Right in front of your face. Peace.

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