Saturday, May 26, 2018

A Happy Ending

We know for a fact that at least ten (10) trillion dollars has up and gone missing from the budget over the last couple of decades or so. That's a lot of scratch. That's $10,000,000,000,000. That kind of dough will buy a lot of toys...big-boy toys...stuff that ain't on the market. People have speculated on how that kind of money could've ever been misplaced to begin with; not to mention whereTF it went. I know. Thing is the beneficiaries wish to remain quiet about this, and understandably so. I've agreed to keep their identity private in exchange for being able to tell the story.
 What happened was somebody stashed it inside a brand-new Beautyrest in a spare bedroom and forgot all about it. A few years later they decided to remodel the house and donated the mattress to springs and all. A young couple, who were struggling a bit but very much in love and about to start a family, happened by the Goodwill store and purchased the Beautyrest for a song. They got it home and as they were putting the fitted sheet on they noticed a big lump, and there it was- ten trillion dollars in cash. They couldn't believe their good fortune. They lived happily everafter. THE END.

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