Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Targeted Adverising

Wel, well...looky here. I just published a post about Lando Calrissian being poly, and when I went to YouTube this ad was waiting for me. Nah...they don't keep track of every single thing you do, say, text, post, or now, even think. Oh, yes. That's here.
 I was talking to a friend Monday and I was telling him why I'm not on the Facebook. He said something to the effect of "I bet if you were selling your stuff you'd have a page." I said that I probably would, and I was telling him about Shopify or something where they have special platforms for selling on Facebook. That evening I counted no less than six different companies with platforms. Ain't that some shit?
 Why would they want SO DAMN MUCH INFORMATION on everyone? I'll leave it to you to do your own research, which you probably will never do, but I can tell you that advertising is just the tip of the evil iceberg. Light is being shown on darkness as we speak. You'll see. I just hope it's in time. Look at that shit...Calrissian is looking longingly at whom I presume to be Han Solo. Oh, well...he's "poly." It's "normal."
 Just for a test, let's see what happens. Donuts. Yo, I LOVE DONUTS. Bet I'll see a Krispy Kreme ad. I bet dollars to donuts.

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