Wednesday, May 23, 2018


So it's recently come out the the character of Lando Calrissian from Star Wars is "polysexual." That's a word you're going to be hearing a lot from now on, and you can take that to the bank. Most people understand what it means but for those who don't, it means basically that you'll fuck anything that moves or even doesn't move. As long as you get your rocks off it doesn't matter if it's animal, mineral or vegetable. That says a lot about some people. Say what you will, but how we've been preserved as a species so far is by the normal means, and our original purpose on this start a family and have kids; not to fuck anything with an orifice. It's really not all that complicated.
 Not only are they promoting the idea that he's polysexual, they're also making it retroactive as it were, so that we know he was this way since day one and the first movie. What could we infer from this? Well, if Star Wars had been an X-rated movie, then the first thing we'd have seen would've been Calrissian doing the princess. That'd be just to get things rolling in more or less a normal matter and to ease us into it. If he'd just gotten a boner for Darth Vader right off the bat it'd have been too much to swallow, so we'd have had to have been eased into it. Once it was established that he sort of was into women, at least when that was all he could score, that'd establish a bit of "normalcy" and then it'd be off to the races.
 Next of course he'd be after Luke. Luke was already having "father" issues so he'd probably have been an easy target. He'd have been like "Yeah, I gotta hit that." After he plooked Luke he'd have been ready for a little Han job. He'd be climbing the corporate ladder so to speak. If you're getting grossed-out by this, welcome to the club, but this is exactly what "polysexual" means. So he'd be doing a duo with Solo. What else are they going to do between fighting off Death Stars and whatnot? They're going to get into a little pokey-strokey, as my friend Douggie Dang would say. Pretty soon though he'd have grown tired of Han. That only left the Wookie and the droids. Now we're talking!
 I just can't let my imagination wander much further because I'm feeling a bit queasy, but you can use your own imagination if you like. Or not, but there you have it. The idea is that it's perfectly okay to cop a nut any old way you want...if it's your wife or your neighbor's wife or your neighbor's dog or even their VW Bug. It's all about YOU and your own gratification, and screw everything else. Ha, I guess that was a Freudian slip but that about sums it up. I guess in this anything-goes world, most people are perfectly okay with the idea, and to them I'd say "Good luck with your future," if not "Get right with God," but in reality it's sick as fuck. We can choose, but think about this who we are? Really?

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