Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Incredible Compulsions of a Narcissist

We all know what it's like to want something so badly that we're willing to take risks to try to get it, but narcissists take it to a whole different level. In this case the narcissist in question also happens to be a pedo, or as they spell it in the UK, which is where this sting took place, paedo. For those keeping score they pronounce it like "peedo." 

 There's a saying among medical professionals who understand narcissism- they say all narcissists aren't psychopaths, but all psychopaths are narcissists. The same goes for child predators...every damned one of those sick fucks is a narcissist. Again, only someone who has no empathy or remorse could ever even think about scarring a child for life just to get their ten minutes of sick gratification. 

 Their brains are wired differently than normal people's, which also explains the attraction to children, which to most people puts them in the very bottom layer of the scum of society...even worse than "unalivers." Having no empathy and being into kids obviously makes them less than human.

 It's incredible what people in this country are willing to risk to try to r@p3 a kid, but this creature hails from the Middle East, where they don't tolerate this shit for a second. They'll take matters into their own hands, and never get in trouble for it. We don't take this shit NEARLY as seriously as we should in this country, but that's not the case where this guy lives. They share the same view of these monsters as most do here- they're a waste of oxygen. 

 Part of the reason that narcissists/paedos take such incredible risks, and besides the fact that sadly, many of them never get caught, is because partly they get off on the risk, but more so they think they're literally smarter than everyone else on Earth, so they don't think they'll get caught, but more than those things is the pure compulsion. They basically can't help it. 

 Just what people risk in the US is incredible. Needless to say their lives are never the same if they're caught, and the only family and friends who'd even speak to them again are probably a little bent themselves. One thing about that is that narcissists ONLY care about themselves, and human beings are literally no more important or meaningful to them as a decent pair of shoes, and hurting a person doesn't bother them any more than scuffing that pair of shoes. Is that inhuman? Yep, but it's true. 

 Narcissists "friends" would more accurately be called "victims," and they tell themselves that losing "friends" doesn't matter, and it was their friends' fault anyway, and they were weak, etc., etc. The only problem for them is that they don't have anyone left to exploit if they run everyone off by being nasty.

 "Predator poachers" pose as younguns on the internet and then confront the people when they arrange a meeting with the "child," which is actually a decoy. They expose them on YouTube, Facebook and elsewhere, and hopefully have them arrested and charged. Many times they'll catch the same person twice and sometimes three and four times, which would indicate pretty strong compulsions, or in rare cases they'll do a follow-up, and we get to hear how their lives have changed. 

 When they tell the story, whatever bad happened was someone else's fault, and they did absolutely nothing wrong, and they were set-up, and they're not "like that," which is one of my favorite bullshit things they say. It's incredible that someone could be so utterly delusional without being locked away in a padded room, but they really are. They actually believe their own lies, which is truly spooky, and dangerous, and they expect us to believe them too. 

 Narcissism is generational, so sometimes the pred's family members will stick by them, but if they do they're narcissists too, and don't care about the fact that their child hurt someone, only that their child's actions will harm their reputation. Besides that, even their close "friends" (victims) will abandon them, and rightly so. I'd be completely crushed if I found out that one of my friends was a pedo, and as much as I might still care about them in some small way, I couldn't associate with them any more. 

 In a few cases their partner or spouse will be smart enough and brave enough to leave them, so they lose their relationships, but besides that they lose businesses, homes, cars and excellent jobs, and their futures are bleak, even though it's someone else's fault. If they're put on the registry, they're fucked.

 Nobody wants to hire a predator, unless they're a predator themself, especially if there might be children even walking by the business, not to mention something that directly involves kids, like being a teacher or a councilor or Scout leader or whatever. Until they get caught, if ever, they seek out these jobs just to have access to kids. It doesn't get much sicker or evil.

 People in this country who offend will often lose everything they worked for all their lives, but for Mo here, or whatever the fuck his name is, it's a different story. He should be a man and not beg and do the fake-crying bullshit, but I can certainly understand his fear. 

 Let's just say that Mo's future might not be bright enough to need to wear shades. I don't want to see anything bad happen to him, and I don't believe in adding more hurt on top of hurt, but it's a fact...Mo is fucked.

 The dishonor he'll bring to his family would be brutal in any country, but where he's from it's a big no-no. If he's lucky they'll just disown him, but it's not unheard of for these people to get stoned, and I don't mean with a bong. I'm 100% against that for any reason, but it happens. As far as dishonoring the fam in his country goes, they don't play. Maybe he should take up Jujitsu or something, in a hurry. HAAAIIIII-YAAAAAA! 

 He'll be swiftly deported, if not also departed down the road, and it's probably safe to say that there won't be any WELCOME BACK MO! banners at the airport. That's one family reunion he's not looking forward to. I can't imagine shaming my family to that degree. Luckily most people's brains aren't wired like Mo's. 

 One thing to consider is that the people who caught Mo are knowingly getting him sent back home to most likely a bleak fate, when they could let him go and not call the police. Are they doing the right thing? I sure as Hell wouldn't want that on my conscience, but if I were in their shoes I'd do exactly the same thing. The kids are the #1 priority, and Mo did it to himself. 

 There was a brief moment of comic relief, where Mo was pleading and saying "Allah" over and over. One of the poachers asked him if he thought Allah would approve of his behavior, which was an excellent question. It caught Mo off guard for a second, but he quickly went back to begging and fake-crying. 

 Even after they told him repeatedly that his crying with no tears was making things worse and that he should put on his big-boy pants, he continued to "cry" even louder, as if he did it long enough, they'd change their minds and let him go. What's that the definition of...insanity? I believe so. 

 Sadly there's no cure for pedos and narcissists. Mo's willingness to risk every single thing he has in this world...even possibly his very existence, shows how strong these people's urges are. The UK welcomed Mo with open arms and was giving him a quality education, and this is how he showed his gratitude. Disrespectful people are utter pieces of shit. Bottom line is that people like Mo are a waste of oxygen. Mo will soon be joining the dearly-deported. Best of luck with that family thing, Mo. Later!


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