Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What VR was Created for

I just read something that truly blew my mind. Whenever a new product comes out, it's usually the result of identifying a need and filling it or seeing a problem and solving it. That goes for "new and improved" too. Sometimes it happens overnight in someone's basement or whatever, but in the case of something as life-changing as Virtual Reality, years of research are involved, and it all starts with identifying the problem.

 Usually the problem is obvious, and it's made public, but in the case of VR glasses, they couldn't state what issues they were trying to fix, for obvious reasons. They wouldn't be good selling points. 

 According to behavioral expert Chase Hughes, VR glasses, specifically the Apple version, was created to solve the problems of loneliness and depression, and as an "anesthetic to reality." That's heavy. It's incredibly sad in a way, but it really did blow my mind to hear it put like that. "Anesthetic to Reality" would make a great title for an album.

 Although I believe that VR is much, much more than just the next logical step in the evolution of video games or whatever, I never thought about it in the terms Chase Hughes mentioned. I think among other things it's a way to distract from God and His creation, and can be traced all the way to the Devil himself. I know that sounds crazy to most people, and as always I could be completely wrong. 

 Sure it'd be cool to don a pair of VR glasses and explore the planets or alien worlds or other things we can't do here on Earth, but when it comes to replacing things on Earth...that's a different story. I think it's great for paraplegics and such, if they're unable to physically get out into the woods or whatever, but no matter how "real" it gets, it could never replace what's already here for the exploring. 

 For years my guys have been saying that one day VR will be preferred over reality by many people, and now we're seeing that happening. I think that's sad, not to mention physically unhealthy, and not just because I'm old and things have changed. 

 I know things were different when I grew up...we didn't have computers and such, and I thank God for that. We did have shrooms and whatnot but for the most part, reality was all we had, and I thought that basically it was pretty cool. Our brains need a connection with Nature, not VR, to operate properly, and that's backed up by science (SCIENCE). 

 Know what else blows my mind? The look on this guy's face. It's a fucked-up look...I can't tell if he's thrilled, shocked, worried, bamboozled, scared shitless or what. It's a weird mix of everything, and it looks like he's about to make a sound like Chewbacca from Star Wars. Maybe it's just me, and my overall caveat for AI in general, but the look on his face is almost disturbing. 

 So, VR was designed to be a cure for loneliness and depression, and as an "anesthetic for reality." Man that's heavy. 

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