Saturday, May 25, 2024

Is Gene Simmons a Good Bass Player? (KISS Stories)

This video popped up in my feed and of course I had to click. I had a feeling Page's views would be favorable, and according to Simmons they were. Page went to see KISS several times when they played shows in England, and they became friends. According to Simmons, who used the term "Hand to God," Jimmy Page said "Mate, you could give John Entwistle a run for his money." That's fairly high praise.

 I've had two experiences with KISS, including seeing them live back in 1975 and actually getting to meet them earlier that year, although I didn't know at first. I've told this story before but as always, who cares?

 I was flying back on the redeye from DC, with a 45-minute layover at the Atlanta airport. From a long way away I saw four guys walking in like they owned the place. They were dressed in leather, studs, t-shirts and 4" heels. I knew they had to be in a band, and probably a big one, although I had no idea who they were. 

 It was the early hours of the morning and the airport was almost deserted, but they walked straight over to me and sat down. "Cool" I thought. Two of the guys were laughing and cutting up and I was guessing they'd imbibed on the flight. As you might guess, they turned out to be Peter Criss and Ace Frehley, which I found out later. 

 One of them, Paul Stanley in fact, sort of kept to himself, and one of them, who turned out to be Gene Simmons, struck up a conversation. He had a thick New York accent but otherwise he was so friendly and engaging that he could've been a Southerner. "Okay, at least this guy is cool" I thought.

 We talked for a good half-hour about music, girls, touring and such. Mr. Simmons was humble and friendly, and except for his outfit, didn't give off the "Rock Star" vibe like the other guys did. He said they'd just finished a European tour and were on their way to somewhere I can't remember. He didn't mention the name of the band, and I'm pretty sure he knew that I didn't know who they were.

 They hadn't been together very long, and although I'd heard of them and probably should've made the connection earlier, at first it didn't occur to me that it might be KISS. When I became aware of the band I was put off by their looks, and certainly wasn't a big fan. Toward the end of our conversation I started to wonder if maybe that's who they were but I wasn't sure. It would also become a big deal to see them without makeup, although I didn't know that either. 

 At one point Gene asked me if I played an instrument, since I was obviously way into music, and I told him I played drums. "Oh, cool" he said. "This is Peter, our drummer" he said. "Hey Peter! This guy plays drums." "Cool man. It's really nice to meet you" said Peter. We shook hands and then he went back to yukking it up with Ace. "Gotta love drummers" said Gene. "That's what she said" I quipped. "Ha-ha" said Gene. I made Gene Simmons laugh. 

 I was starting to wonder if this was that band who wore makeup and sang about partying all night and whatnot. Sure enough, a voice came over the PA, saying "Will the members of KISS please report to gate such-and-such." They stood up, and the larger-than-life effect of the platform heels made an impression on me. It was almost like they were on stilts, and I marveled at the fact that they could even walk in those things at 6:00 in the morning, especially Ace and Peter. 

 "Ah,'s nice to meet you" I said. "You too" said Gene. "Good luck with your music." "Thanks! Y'all too" I replied, although I figured they didn't need any more luck at that point. Gene shook my hand again, and off they went to conquer America or whatever. "Well, that was pretty cool" I thought. "At least one of them was down to earth." 

 A couple weeks later they were playing in town, and my girlfriend got me a ticket as a gag gift for Christmas, which I thought was pretty thoughtful, and funny. She was sure I'd return it and buy a couple of LPs or whatever, but I turned the tables on her and went to the show. I went by myself, and since I didn't know what to expect, I figured I'd get stoned as a rat, so if it sucked, at least I'd be high. I was a "Progressive" nerd and wasn't particularly moved by most of your basic Rock & Roll too much, but I really enjoyed the show and ended up having a blast. It was worth it for the pyrotechnics alone.

 What really blew me away, with all due respect to Peter's drum solo, which was good, was Gene's bass solo. It was monstrous. He was relying heavily on delay, effects and volume, but it was massive. I'd never heard the bass guitar played like that. My girlfriend had gotten me the ticket as a joke and I'd gone to the show as a joke, but I ended up being very glad I went, especially after meeting them in Atlanta, and hearing that bass solo. Maybe it was just the weed but I don't think so. 

 Do I think Gene Simmons is a good bass player? Absolutely. I'm not sure if he's Entwistle-good but he's pretty damn good, and his solo floored me. He was a humble guy too, and that made as much of an impression on me as anything. Some say he's a self-centered prick but that wasn't my experience. Well, that's my KISS story. I'm sure we all have one. 


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