Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Wuv Story

I've taken a couple-million photos of my dog, and I've never captured him "smiling." This photo was taken the other day by one of my mom's nurses named Tammy. She and Mr. B have a thing going on, and it's really fun to see. I already know my dog is something very special, but it's really nice to have other people recognize it too.

 She's been coming over once or twice a week for about six months. The very first time she came over and I saw El Doggo's reaction, I knew at the very least she was an animal person, and most likely a sweetheart too. My dog is an excellent judge of character. He's not one to judge a book by its cover, but he nailed it with Tammy. She's a goodun.

 One thing that blows my mind is when one of my long-time friends comes over, and he's never met them before, he still goes nuts. He loves everybody he meets, but he'll give them the "family" greeting right off the bat, and it's happened every single time. It's uncanny, but he knows who's special to me.

 I guess he's reading my reaction to seeing them, but whatever the deal is it's pretty cool. A good friend came over a while back and he went berserk. She couldn't believe how excited he was to see her, considering they'd just met, and she's more of a cat person anyway. I guess he was reading me that time too.

 I know my heart rate went up and my pupils dilated a bit and my breathing rate went up; all the things we do naturally in those types of situations, and dogs are experts in reading their peeps. He knew that I've been into her, as it were, for a long time.

 Heavy breathing aside, the first time Tammy came over and Bert went nuts, I told her that from then on, every time he sees her he'll get a little more excited, until he can't contain himself, and at some point he'll start hollering like she stepped on his tail. Sure enough, she came over a few days ago and he went absolutely apeshit

 His tail was wagging so hard that it was moving his whole body. I was already trying to calm him down because I knew that this was the time he was going to start howling at around 120-130bd, and sure enough, he let loose. Bless his heart...he just can't help it. I've never seen a dog get so excited to see someone. It's so cool to see a dog make a friend. It's a good thing I'm not the jealous type, ha-ha. That's love if you ask me. 

 People who say that dogs' reactions are just trying to get food or whatever, and that they don't feel or give love, besides being presumptuous, and maybe a little too into themselves, probably don't have a dog, or at least not one like mine. Tammy's not the one who feeds him, walks him, loves on him day and night and all...he just loves her. If it's not love, what would you call it...wuv? Well, he sure wuvs Tammy and she wuvs him. 

 The only downside of their relationship is that she just started bringing him treats. Normally that'd be fine, but she buys those bullshit treats that come from China by way of Walmart, and I don't like him eating those at all. It sucks that I can't afford to buy ingredients to make more of my organic treats. If I have to buy some decent treats just for her to give my dog, I'll do it. 

 All those tainted treats coming from fucking China was one of the reasons I started making my own. She's really interested in learning more about the "natural" thing, so whatever I do I have to get her to quit buying those bullshit treats. 

 That can be easily fixed, and other than that, Tammy and Mr. B are a match made in Heaven. She actually confessed to me the other day that she loves my dog more than her dogs, and she says her dogs are very sweet. I told her that her secret's safe with us. We talk about how sweet he is, and how there's something different about him that just radiates out.

 Like me, Tammy thinks that there's something inside of him that's different from all other dogs. She said that it seems "angelic," and I agreed. I told her that I could tell from day 1 that he had Buddha Nature, and I showed her this fantastic photo of his first night with us. She went: "AWWWWWWWWWWWW! He does have Buddha Nature!"

 She loves it when he looks into her eyes. We've both known dogs that seem to look right into your soul, but this dog takes it to another level, and I love how she can feel that. 

 Like me she loves to see his tail wag at all the different velocities, from a "twip," as Charles Schultz used to say about Snoopy, where just the last few inches of the tail sort of flutter, to the "family" wag to a full-blown wag-the-dog wag. She said the same thing I say...too bad we can't harness the energy of all that tail waggage. I told her that if I had a tail I'd wag it for him too. I have a very special animal. He's very loyal to his people. Good boy!

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