Monday, March 25, 2024

You Never Forget Your First Halo

Yesterday I saw the first Sun Halo I've seen in months, and it was a good one. What's interesting is that often I have a powerful feeling that I'm going to see one, and when I look up there one is. A couple of times this year I've kinda thought I might see one but I didn't, so I'm aware of observational bias, but it happens most of the time and it did yesterday.

 I walked outside and immediately felt like there was one above me and there was. Most people don't think anything of it but to me it's breathtaking. They say it's caused by ice crystals, which may be true and the only thing causing it, but as always, I take what they say with a grain of salt. 

 I don't think that ice crystals is the whole story, but I'm not an Astronomer or a Meteorologist or anything else, so wtf do I know? If it's nothing but ice crystals, then why haven't we seen them regularly all throughout our lifetimes? Oh wait, I's climate change, right? They say that's the cause of everything that's wrong with the planet, so why not I guess. Does excess heat cause ice crystals to form? You wouldn't think.

 Alls I know is is that it's an eyesight to see, and I'll never forget the first one I saw in person. It was 2015 or 2016. I'd heard of them and seen photos, but I was eager to see one for myself. I knew that it hadn't been a common thing in our skies at all for many years, and being someone who's looked at the sky day and night for 60+ years, I'd never seen one. That doesn't mean it never happened but I never saw it. 

 I took photos of it but they're on a long-gone hard drive. I was mesmerized to finally see one in person. It was directly overhead, and about as big as this one. I couldn't quit looking at it. It's one thing to see a ring around the Sun, but the darker area inside it was more intriguing. Maybe the light refracts funny within the circle or something, but it gave me a really interesting feeling that something was going on, like I was looking into another dimension. 

 Just like the first one I saw, they were chemtrailing the shit out of it from all directions, as you can see in this still from a video I took yesterday. There were at least two other planes that aren't in the frame. Judging by the haze in an otherwise cloudless sky, I know they were spraying hours ahead of it.

 It varies from month to month and they've been spraying almost every day for a while now, but nothing like they were spraying yesterday, and all in the area of the halo. For some reason they're trying to make these halos less noticeable.

 Imagine this halo in a perfectly clear sky. Everyone would notice it. The thing is, I don't know if we'd see one in a clear sky, because maybe the light needs something to project on, and I'm pretty sure you need clouds for ice crystals to form in, but I could be wrong. If you do need clouds for ice crystal formation, then the reason for these halos wouldn't be ice crystals at all. 

 If you don't believe that they're spraying right in front of the Sun, you should know that planes don't just fly seemingly haphazard like that, especially not five or six at once. They normally fly along set routes, and don't keep crisscrossing the same area over and over. And if you still don't think chemtrails are real, you have some serious catching-up to do. In case you didn't know, they've been declassified, and we'll be hearing about it from the horse's mouth. Wait and see. 

 Interestingly my main info guy says that the reason for chemtrails is to reflect some of the extra solar radiation back into space. That makes sense because we know that solar radiation has been increasing for the last several years, and some say it's going to keep increasing. 

 The way they were spraying this halo was just like when I saw the first one. I'd gone out that morning and noticed that they were busy as bees and spraying the fuck out of the sky, again on an otherwise cloudless day, several hundred miles upwind. I knew the wind was coming toward me and all that shit would be overhead in an hour or so, and I actually wondered if they were possibly trying to screen an upcoming halo, and lo and behold I saw my first halo about an hour later. Even with all the haze it was still a round Mothership was parked behind the Sun or whatever. It was massive. 

 Starting with the Worm Moon, partial eclipse/Blood Moon that happened last night, and for me the halo yesterday, the next couple of months should be interesting for sky-watchers. We all know about the upcoming eclipse on April 8th, and most people know that the so-called "Devil Comet" should be visible in the Moon's shadow during the eclipse. They're also saying that we might see explosions popping out from the rim of the Sun during totality. Heck, with all that going on, we just might see a Saucer too. Why not?

 Interestingly the same series of events took place back in 1811. They had a partial Blood Moon, a solar eclipse and a "devil comet," so called because they have two protrusions that look like horns. Not long after there were major quakes around the world, ranging from about 7.3 to 8.4 in magnitude. Without going into all the stuff about electromagnetic interaction between the Sun and the planets, the Sun controls EVERYTHING that happens on Earth, even our mood. Look it up if you don't believe it. 

 The Moon influences the tides, and people too, and the Moon and Sun being in a line during an eclipse can have a combined effect on our planet. Hopefully things will stay calm this time, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some major quakes in the months of April and May. 

 I've said a million times that as a little kid of three or four I was captivated by a Bible verse that talked about "signs in the heavens," and all the way back then I felt like it would happen in my lifetime. Like my main info guy says, most people won't take these things as "signs" at all, and to be fair we can't prove they are, but as we know from history, eclipses and comets have often been accompanied by all sorts of crazy events. Whether that's pure chance is obviously open to debate. 

 As far as these Sun Halos are concerned, all I can say for sure is that although there are illustrations of them from the past, they're a recent thing for modern times. Until 2015 or 16 I'd never seen one, but I've seen a couple-dozen in person since then. There are no photos of them that I know about, until recently. Why do they try to make them less noticeable by pounding them with jet exhaust? 

Could all this be the beginning of the "signs in the heavens?" I think we've been there for a few years. Heads-up. 

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