Wednesday, March 27, 2024

How to Crack a Narcissist

The best interrogators are the ones who understand narcissism, for several reasons. Since every narcissist on Earth has the same traits and will basically act the same way, the interrogators know how to exploit those traits and push their buttons. Most people who do bad things are narcissists, and the investigators who understand narcissism know that. 

 They know that narcissists' brains aren't wired for empathy, remorse, kindness and such, so narcissists don't care what they do. Since in their minds they're perfect and never do anything wrong or make mistakes, they can literally shoot someone in the back, and it's their fault. It's crazy to think they actually believe that but it's true. 

 Another great thing for interrogators is that since narcissists think they're smarter than everyone else on the planet, they'll often think they can talk their way out of something without the need for a lawyer, which should be rule #1, even if you're innocent. For how smart they think they are, it's hilarious to see what dumbasses they really are. They can't put themselves in anyone else's shoes, even to get an idea of how others see them. They think everyone else sees them exactly as they see themselves- perfect. 

 They also know that narcissists will often tell on themselves without realizing it. As a rule, narcissists aren't very bright. If the brain never develops empathy, it also can't properly develop emotionally or intelligently. They know that narcissists lie almost all of the time, and if they keep asking the same questions, eventually the narcissist will get caught in the "liar's loop," where they can't keep up with all the lies they've told, and start to tell different stories and directly contradict themselves. Oops, busted! It's great.

 It doesn't have to be an interrogation...if you just want to get the truth from someone and you suspect they might be a narcissist, you can use these same techniques to get them to show themselves for what they really are, and if they're a narcissist, it'll work 100% of the time. You can set your watch to it. 

 Since they think they're smarter, better looking and more interesting that every other human, you play that up first. They'll beam-out. Once you have them all pumped on themselves, you switch gears and question them on something stupid that they did, or one of the many lies you'll inevitably hear. Since maintaining a sense of control, either real or imagined, is just as essential to the narcissist's fragile framework as believing they're perfect, they'll immediately go on the defensive. They don't have the self-control to stop it, and you can see it happen. The more you press, the more they'll come unglued. At some point, steam will come out of their ears. Enjoy, but be careful. They can be very dangerous.

 Normal people might bristle and get pissed if you did that to them too, but not like a narcissist. When you challenge a narcissist in any way, you become their sworn enemy, and it happens in the blink of an eye. It's unnatural. You can try it on people you suspect, and you can do it politely. Most people can handle a little criticism, but not a narcissist. It's not how they're wired. Try it some time. It works. I'd say a little prayer first, but that's just me. Stay safe. 

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