Sunday, March 10, 2024


Generally I find that when you share information, no matter how obscure or meaningless it may seem to be, either someone is looking for it or someone could benefit from it. I put up a couple of posts on fb about Dorodangos, and a friend from the crazy restaurant left a comment. She asked if I could send links on how to make them. She works with the blind and visually-impaired, and she thought they'd really enjoy making these. It gave me an instant warm fuzzy.

 Sharing info is my gig, and you don't always get to see the ripples return to you, as it were. They're going to love making these. They could've found out about them anywhere but I happened to be the one sharing the info, and it's an honor. It made my day to be a part of it. God is good. Have a nice day. 

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