Sunday, March 17, 2024

Black Eyes

I've talked about a narcissist ex of mine, and seeing her eyes go completely black during many of her trademark fits of rage, or "narcissistic rage" as it's called in clinical terms. Again I don't mean that her pupils were dilated; I mean the entire eyeball turned black...whites and all.

 I get that it sounds crazy or like it was imagined, but it's very real. Over the last six years I've heard hundreds of people report the same thing, and statistically they can't all be imagining things. We've seen this phenomenon countless times in movies, where it's almost always the result of demonic possession. 

 Do you think that's just a coincidence? Maybe, but having witnessed it many times, I don't think so. I think it's straight-up demonic, and many people share that opinion. I've also mentioned the hundreds of comments I've read where people say things like: "I'm not particularly 'religious' but this person has a demon." People are seeing it now for themselves, whether they think demons are real or not, or had formerly thought, as the case may be. It's changing people's minds.

 All the naysayers who think that people who report it are imagining things or are high or that it's a trick of the light or a medical condition simply haven't seen it for themselves. They'll cite a rare medical condition that causes the pupils to dilate when someone is angry or under extreme stress, but again that only involves the pupil and not the entire eye. 

 They'll say it's drugs, and certain things will dilate the pupils to saucer size, but no drugs of any kind will turn the whites of the eyes black. I saw it myself with my ex quite a few times, and for the record I was sober every single time, and certainly not under the influence of hallucinogens. 

 You have to ask what could possibly make someone's eyes turn black, which is obviously an unnatural thing, and there simply isn't a logical explanation. As we know, sometimes the craziest sounding explanation is in reality the correct one. If demons are real and they really possess people, it's not a stretch at all to think they'd make the person's eyes go black. 

 What I saw was just like a scene from one of those ex's eyes would turn solid black and you could see it happen. Usually they'd stay black for the duration of the most brutal part of the fight, several minutes usually, but sometimes they'd go back and forth. It was freaky as fuck, and if I didn't at least think I knew what it was- demons, and knew of a power that was stronger and that I could call upon if needed, I might have been pretty frightened. BTW I recorded some of those fights, and it's clear to see which one of us was the monster. 

 If you think it's unsettling in a movie, try seeing it in real life. I saw something else looking at me from behind her black eyes than just her, with a look of pure evil and ultra hatred I might add. If I'd been a Catholic priest I'd have crossed myself and tried to exorcise that motherfucker. The fact that it sounds crazy doesn't matter one bit. People can think what they want...I don't care.

 I've mentioned that my main info guy believes that there will soon come a time when we'll be able to tell what a person is truly like on the inside, just by looking at the outside. I believe that, and sure enough, people are starting to notice, whether they're particularly "religious" or not. If what he says is true, then seeing someone's eyes turn solid black would be a pretty good indicator of what's inside. 

 I watched a video where cops were called to a residence because this woman's son had gone berserk and choked her until she passed out. She was talking about how his eyes had gone black, and that got my attention. Here we go. The cop just ignored it, as most people probably would, but she kept talking about it because it had obviously freaked her out. I screenshotted a couple of her comments with closed captioning.

 The son exhibited all the classic signs of narcissism within about a minute- the disrespect, name-calling, utterly childish behavior, totally justifying his actions by blaming others, fake crying with no tears, and for bonus points, growling. Since I believe that all narcissists are at least sometimes possessed by demons, the fact that she'd seen his eyes go black is no surprise. 

 She mentioned it again later and again the cop ignored it. Is this woman a nutjob or a druggie? Actually she's a nurse, and she was completely sober. She's what would be called a "credible witness." It's a shame the cop didn't take any interest in it but it's understandable. It's not a part of most people's way of thinking, but if my guy is right that may soon change. She knows.

 I get that most people will say that it's this or that, and I support their right to do so, but I can assure you that if you ever happen to see it for yourself, you'll know it's none of those things. You will know.

 Whatever is going on is getting people's attention, just like my guy said would happen. If you should ever see someone's eyes turn solid black and it frightens you, be aware that there's one name that demons have to flee from, and that's the name of Jesus. If needed, use it. Say it out loud. As Todd Rundgren and many others have said, "Get thee behind me, Satan." Todd knows. It's for real. No fear. Have a nice day.

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