Monday, March 4, 2024


We know that the Placebo Effect is real. It's proof that how we think can affect the body, and that in general a healthy body can heal itself. One of my favorite quotes of all time is by George Clinton. He said: "Free your mind, and your ass will follow." True that, George. 

 A while back I read an article about one study where a placebo "medicine" had whatever percentage effect it was, and then another "med" was introduced. All the patients were told about it was that it was more expensive than the first med. The patients perceived it as being better, and the effects were increased on top of what they already were. 

 Some say that having faith in God is nothing but a placebo, and to be fair I can't prove they're not right. Well, guess what...if it's nothing but a placebo, I'll still take it. Right now it's sometimes like the world is jumping on my last nerve with a pogo stick, and I doubt I'm alone.

 I get anxious about the future and I get afraid sometimes, like most people, and I also know for a fact I'll be facing more tough stuff, but so far anyway I still have traces of my sanity left. I also might get afraid sometimes, but I don't live in fear like many people sadly do these days, whether they'll admit it or not. I feel for them. 

 We're already the most-medicated country on Earth, and it's no surprise that those rates went up sharply after 2020, as well as substance and other types of abuse. I read another article that said that of all new patients after 2020 seeking treatment for sleep problems, over 60% had never had sleep issues in their lives. I imagine the numbers are similar for anxiety and depression and such. 

 I'd be a perfect candidate for meds at this particular time, although I don't like taking meds of any kind and I'm not on any now. I could probably hop on a Zoom call to some doc and get a script for tranqs, plus Addy too, if I told them I was also a lazy, useless POS. Thank God neither one of those have ever been my thing. Tranqs are generally way too strong for me to function normally on, and uppers like speed and dummy dust have never been my thing either. I've always had excess energy if anything, and those things got me too overcrunk.  

 Faith in God won't automatically fix all your problems, but placebo or not, it gives a certain degree of peace and comfort, and if you don't think you need those things these days you're fooling yourself. Saying a prayer doesn't always calm me down to base level, but it absolutely helps. It's not as strong as a Xanax or whatever, and again I'd be a candidate for meds, but faith helps. I do know meds have their usefulness, especially if used only for short-term, and I could see briefly taking them myself, although I seriously doubt I ever will. 

 Something else comes with prayer, and it was unexpected maybe. It's a feeling of love, and again, placebo or not, it feels real. The only side-effects of having faith as opposed to taking medicines that I can see are maybe I'm wrong and a backwards bumpkin. I'm feeling something that isn't real. Maybe. Bumpkin or not, I'll take it. God bless.

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