Friday, March 8, 2024

You Are What You Eat (McFucked)

I've known that McDonald's food contains some of the worst things we could ever put in our bodies, but I watched a video that was way more brutal than I thought it'd be.

 Dr. Paul Saladino took us along for a meal. He read the ingredients along the way, and he pretty much tore them a new McAsshole. You know the video is going to be rough when it starts out with him pointing at a floating Big Mac, like: "Know what the fuck's in that?" 

 You may not want to eat at McDonald's to begin with, but the thumbnail said that you wouldn't want to eat there again if you watched the video, and boy howdy, that's true. Before he listed the ingredients in the Big Mac sauce, he quipped: "It's the love child of everything that's wrong with McDonald's." Damn. Lol, doc. That's poetry, and it's also true. 

 We've heard about all the "Supersize Me" things, where people ate nothing but McDonald's for however long and gained a bunch of weight, which is mostly what they focused on, but there's so much more to it than calories. You'd be better off getting the same amount of calories by shoving sticks of butter down your throat or even eating lard than eating McDonald's food. 

 If you watch the video (you can watch it >HERE<) and still want to eat at McDonald's on a regular basis, or any basis, either you'd have to have a very strong sense of denial, or just not give a fuck what you put into your body, and sadly there's tons, literally, of people like that. I are what you eat.

 There's microplastics, chemicals upon chemicals, excess aluminum, suspected carcinogens, fertility inhibitors, preservatives, silicates, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and much, much more, and of course high-fructose corn syrup, which Dr. Saladino calls "weaponized sugar." I love this guy. If you saw those substances in giant containers, waiting to go into Mickey D's food, you wouldn't take a spoonful of a single one of them for anything in the world, yet you'll eat them at McDonald's all day of the week. Go figure. 

 Most of us have seen those videos where they take fast food, mostly McDonald's, and put it in a plastic container and let it sit on a shelf at room temp for months, and after all that time it still looks pretty much the same. Sometimes they keep it on display for years and it's still intact. It's spooky. There's not even a speck of mold. Do you think that preservatives that powerful are good for your body? There's a metallic "ying" to the flavor of that stuff that you can't miss. You can actually taste it. They can't cover it up. 

 Taco Bell is another very questionable place. For many years if I did go there I'd only get rice and beans, but an ex liked to eat the mystery meat stuff. Once she got a burrito that tasted really sour. She took it up to get something else, and told the girl behind the counter that she thought the sour cream might have gone bad. The girl looked at her and said, "It doesn't GO bad!" Right then. Well, should go bad! Sour cream and hamburgers and fries aren't meant to sit there virtually unchanged for months...not naturally anyway.

 Interestingly Dr. Saladino praised them for once using lard to cook their french fries, but they were severely pressured, probably by vegetable-oil lobbyists or some such, into using vegetable oils, because lard was allegedly bad for the heart and overall health in general. It sounded great on paper, but then they used oils that are high in trans fat, and the french fries ended up being way unhealthier. They could've used healthier oils but they didn't. 

 I've eaten at McDonald's plenty of times, especially when I was a kid and didn't know any better, and I still love the flavor of some of their breakfast items, but I haven't eaten a burger or fries or a fish folly or anything else in many years. After watching this video I doubt I'll break that trend any time soon. 

 When it comes to ways that bad food can fuck us up, McDonald's has all the bases covered. No wonder Ronald split. Even clowns can figure it out eventually. This is some seriously toxic stuff...just read the labels for yourself and look it all up. 

 If by chance you're a fast-food fan but want to turn over a new leaf, and don't want to join the growing throngs of people who look like walking cheeseburgers, then good for you, and you couldn't do any better than to watch this video. Dr. S gets a bit pissed at some of the ingredients, and you should too. I can't believe I could possibly be shocked by a video about ingredients in McDonald's food but I was.

 Microplastics? Corn syrup? Aluminum? Chemicals? Get out of here. I just wanted a burger and fries. What the McFuck is going on?


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