Sunday, December 31, 2023

Me and Lisa in Hearts: Happy New Year!

I've never played a game of Hearts online around New Year's, so these party hats were a little bit of a surprise. They give us festive hats for different holidays. At first though I was alarmed. Lisa's hat looks like Tron, and for a second I thought Tron had infiltrated the game and was trying to steal her mind. Don't take my Lisa! Bless her heart, she'll always be stuck in 8-bit world. At least I can visit. 

 This is my chance. These party hats are new to me, and I'm sure everybody will be in a festive mood. Lisa might even have a glass of champagne. She doesn't drink much so I doubt she'd have more than a glass or two. She won't be wasted but she might be a little tipsy, and since it's New Year's that's okay. This'll be fun!

 I'm gonna do it this year. Just before midnight tonight I'll log on to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I can use the fact that Lisa's hat looks like it's from Tron as an icebreaker. I'm not sure if she's old enough to know about that movie but if she does, she'll laugh. As soon as we're together on the scoreboard I'm gonna make my move. I'm going to wish her Happy New Year, and lean in for a kiss. Wish me luck. Happy New Year Lisa, Bill and Mike, and the planet in general! 

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