Saturday, December 9, 2023

How Some People Make Money on YouTube

This woman is a content creator on YouTube. I'll call her Mary, because that's her name. She also makes a decent amount of money on YouTube, and it should be fairly obvious how she does it. She makes a living off of her breasts. Why not...she's sure got a pair. 

 This is typical of all the clickbait vids, where a thumbnail like this catches the attention of low-life perverts all over the world. So did I click on it? Of course I did. In my defense though I was actually doing a bit of research, and...ha-ha...that just reminded of the old excuse for reading Playboy- "I read it for the articles." Anyway, I really was, and gigantic breasts aren't my thing anyway.

 Don't get me wrong...she's attractive, and what we'd call "foxy" back in the day. As far as allurement goes, she's got the whole package, not just a set of Wahoongas. She might be the nicest person in the world, but it's hard for me to take someone who makes money off of body parts seriously, but as always, WTF do I know? 

 I haven't delved into her catalog of videos, all shorts, but apparently she lives on a farm, and she can do anything from cooking when the power goes out to plumbing to carpentry to animal husbandry to you-name-it...all while flopping her breasts around. Here she's seen browning some hamburger meat in a hot skillet. I'd watch that splatter if I were you, sister. 

 I could be wrong, but it seems like half of it is bullshit. It looks like it's all been set up, and the short videos show her with tools and stuff, but it never really shows her doing anything, or shows how it got to that point, and every job is excellent. I guess that's why all her vids are shorts. Mostly she mugs for the camera, which is the point of course, and she moves around to show as much of her breasts as she can without showing nip. I guarantee they've had to reshoot scenes quite a few times. 

 As long as no one gets hurt, and that can be a fine line, I don't begrudge her or anyone else for making a living however they choose, and go with what you got. Judging by her number of subs and videos, and the fact that YouTube promotes stuff like this, she probably makes a few thou a month, maybe more. I hope she puts a little of it away, for when she needs back surgery down the road. And if you're an over-thinking asshole like me, then let's be real...she wouldn't be doing all them chores without at least a sports bra on. 

 Personally I think it'd be hotter if they at least tried  to make it look real, instead of showing her tap the last strip of wood into a beautiful, immaculate and expensive wall treatment, in her barn no less. or whatever it is, but again, all that stuff is just a backdrop for breasts. Again she's got the tools for the job as it were, but it's so in your face, again as it were, that it's blatant. 

 I'm not knocking her, and maybe if I ran into her at a coffee shop and she invited me to the farm, maybe I'd see that she really knows how to do all that shit, and there's more than meets the eye. And to be fair, with overalls that loose, she couldn't expect to do any real work without those things flopping out in front of God and everyone, and I can understand that. She doesn't always wear overalls but whatever she wears is designed to show as much skin as possible.

 Maybe she actually does more work that it looks like, and she's a true Renaissance gal and jackoff all trades, and maybe her tacos are to die for, but like they matter how legit, it's all about the tits.

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