Saturday, December 23, 2023

Spirit of Christmas?

I found the perfect image for this post. I was wondering what to use, and almost without even thinking I picked up my grandmother Booie's Bible and this fell out. She didn't write in her Bible or turn down corners, but she marked pages with whatever piece of paper was handy, which became memorabilia of her life...oil change receipts, recipes, photos and what have you. This charming homemade card with a wisemen sticker is probably from the 60s or early 70s, and it literally fell into my lap.

 So, will 2023 finally be the year that more people will experience the "Spirit of Christmas," aka the "meaning" of Christmas, whatever that is? This year I've heard a lot of people say things like "Yeah, we're gonna take it easy this year and be grateful for what we have." It sounds good, but what they're really saying is "We're broke." I have though heard a few people say it and I think they really mean it, again, whatever "it" is. 

 I'll be in as much of that headspace as possible. If things continue as they're going, this will likely be my mom's last Christmas with us, and for a day or two we weren't sure if she'd be here for this one. As if that's not enough, my dog was gone for two days and I was trying not to lose what's left of my mind. Thank God and my friend Laura I got him back. All I'll be thinking of is my loved ones. Plus I'm also broke. 

 So if it's even a thing, what is the "Spirit of Christmas," or the "meaning of Christmas?" For a long time it's been a celebration of the birth of Jesus, to some people. Some will say that there's nothing to it at all, and they'd have a valid point. December 25th is almost certainly not the actual birth of Christ. It is a Pagan holiday however, and based on ancient holidays and rituals and such, which have nothing to do with the basic ideas of "Christianity." 

 Some say the whole thing is a fairy tale from an old book of parables, which has nothing to do with us directly today, and they may be right. The Bible was written by people after all, although some believe that the writing was basically dictated by God. These days more people don't believe in Christ than do, and if things go according to what the book says, that will increase, but then again it says that others will turn to Him. I believe in the Biblical narrative and that Christ is my personal savior, but as always, what do I know? I could be dead-wrong. 

 But what if people want to leave all of that out of it, and just celebrate a holiday in general, but still want to observe "Christian-esque" ideals, such as the spirit of giving, family. friends and such? There's nothing wrong with that, and enjoy! Is it really better to give than receive? My parents and all my family in general thought so, and luckily a bit rubbed off on me. This year I ain't got nothing to give but love. That's as cliche as it gets. 

 For what it's worth, what I can do is pray for comfort and healing to those who'll be spending their first Christmas without a loved one. Even if you don't pray, just thinking of them has a positive effect. If you want to give of yourself, there are millions of volunteer things we can do. You can always just call an old friend or family member you haven't spoken with in a while. Driving around looking at lights was always about as cool as anything about Christmas to me. 

 Some people know that the 25th is almost certainly not the birth of Jesus but they celebrate it on that day anyway, and some know that the idea of having a tree is for the most part a Pagan thing, but they have a tree anyway. In any case I've heard more people mention the Christmas Spirit, and observing it or searching for it, whatever it may mean to them. I hope they find it, if indeed they're looking for it. Maybe it will find them. 

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