Wednesday, January 3, 2024

A Circle I Can Get Behind

I hate it when they show a photo or a video where we're supposed to see a certain part of the image, so they circle it like we're blind dumbasses. I wish they'd at least give us a chance to spot it first, and then circle it, but I guess that's getting too picky these days. 

 It probably stems from childhood. I'd be in the waiting room at the doctor, and of course whatever had been wrong with me was magically cured and I felt totally fine. To keep myself occupied and look normal I'd read Highlights for Children. My favorite thing was "Hidden Pictures."

 It was a bunch of random wavy lines that formed into animals, objects, etc. Half the time I'd pick up the issue some little fuck or fucks had circled all the pictures, so my brain had nothing to do except read Goofus and Gallant, a lesson in manners, but I'd already had about enough of that asshole Goofus. 

 Who knows...maybe it led to an anxiety thing and I get "triggered," ha-ha, but it still pisses me off. Maybe it's Circled Pictures Syndrome (CPS) or something like that. The Latin name would be "Circuivi Imiaginibus." That's interesting. I'm sure there's a med for it, or maybe childhood-regression therapy.

 Anyway here's one I approve of. We certainly don't need a big red circle to see her face, but for some reason I love it. It's like overkill but in a good way. It's the commentary of the owner of a YouTube channel, one of many that review bodycam footage of idiots and add their two cents. Some of it is pretty dry but some of those people are hilarious when they comment on this stuff. I think this guy has a sense of humor. It hit my funny bone anyway.

 It's even funnier because in the video she insisted that she hadn't been drinking, even though she couldn't stand up straight and couldn't form coherent sentences. She was completely shitfaced. The guy was correcting her with the circle and text in a not-so-subtle way, as did the DUI investigation.

 It's interesting how the drunk brain works...she blew almost four times the legal limit, yet she claimed that she hadn't been drinking at all. It's funny but a tad spooky watching people fool only themselves; trying to adjust reality to suit the situation. 

 After all the times that seeing things circled has pissed me off, it's nice to finally get a laugh from one. I'm Kelly Simpson and I approve this circle. Don't drink and drive. 

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