Monday, November 22, 2021

Yet More Products of a Godless Society

This is the kind of thing that happens when they try to take God out of society. Now I'm an artist and a musician, so I have no problem with self-expression. It's self-mutilation where I draw the line. Who would do this to themselves?

 For the millionth time this isn't "hate speech" in any way. I hold no hatred for anyone except Satan. I feel empathy for this person actually. When I look into this person's eyes, besides the demon I see looking out, I also see some of the original human left...and it's a human crying for help. These days it's no wonder.

 I don't see this same look with most of these "body-modification" people. This person might still be saved. and they can do wonders with plastic-surgery these days. If this were a Halloween costume it'd be badass, but not 24/7. I feel for this person. They need God. We all do, whether we know it or not. Be blessed. 

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