Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Latest Topic to be Censored

The latest topic to be censored (can you say "1984?") is videos in which people say that the Astroworld tragedy was a Satanic ritual. I don't know how many videos I watched where people said that, and made it very clear that they weren't "religious" in any way. I wonder why they'd want to censor those videos...oh, I know...because it's the TRUTH. 

 Again I believe that two things are happening right now that the Good Book said would happen- a light is being shone upon the darkness, and the "veil" is lifting. Even if we disregard all the overtly-Satanic symbols we always see...the eyeballs, pyramids, portals and shit it's clear that this was a ritual. Tons of people who don't believe in God, much less the Devil, were saying that it felt "demonic." It's hard to argue with that, folks. If you still have eyes to see, ears to hear and a semi-working brain, then use them! Again, wake the fuck up. Please.


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