Saturday, November 20, 2021

It's Fun Being a Dork

Sometimes it's fun being a dork. There are issues from time to time but usually it's at least entertaining, in a dorky way. And that's the beauty of being a matter how dorky the average person thinks something is, the dork will love it. Being a dork has its perks. By definition a dork loves dorky shit, and maybe doesn't necessarily know any maybe someone who's a little "slow." People who know you're a dork expect you to do dorky shit, so it's all good. 

 It could be a little bit dorky to begin with, but in lieu of buying a GoPro I got a waterproof case for my phone. I wanted to one day take some more groovy underwater shots at the Cahaba River...crawfish, Alligator Gars, Darters, turtle-fart bubbles and such. I didn't make it to the river but I did test it, in the shower and in a hellacious downpour, and it's definitely waterproof. Trouble is like most everything else they cut corners, and used shitty hex screws. 

 It was heavy and bulky but waterproof. You could probably hit it with a baseball bat. The "threads" in the top of one of the screws were weak and loose, and once I screwed it in it was stuck. It was big but loose, and even the slightest touch made a loud pop, enough to ruin a video. I recorded Doug and I playing bass and drums, and the sound and picture quality were good except for the pops, and any really loud hits would vibrate the case and make the picture shake. Not to mention the screws weren't stainless and had rusted in place, and took my best Hulk imitation to get them out. Smart, for something that's supposed to be waterproof. It had to go. 

 This time I got a clear case. It has no screws and I'll test it out with cardboard before I trust the phone in it, but it looks solid. Plus it's so thin it's hard to tell there's a case on the phone. It came with a dummy phone-screen illustration, so I decided to put it where it shows through the back of the case. I had to cut out a section at the top to allow for the lenses but you can't tell and it fits perfectly. This is the back of the case, ha-ha. 

 If I ever get out in public again this could be funny, and dorkyAF. I could become Superdork, or worse. I'd be walking around pretending to be talking to someone, but from a few feet away it'd look like I'm talking into the wrong side of my phone, not to mention the phone wasn't actually on, and with a dork-ass homescreen photo to boot. I'd keep saying "HEY, could you speak-up? I can't hear you very well" in a loud voice, over and over. People would think I was (seriously) challenged in some way and feel sorry for me and maybe give me money or buy me a sandwich. Oh, wait...this is 2021. People would just think I was on drugs and make a wide berth. Oh, wait...people do that these days anyway. 

 This is a dorky post but ibi habes. Being dork-related humor I dig it, and the thought of walking around talking into the back of my phone made me lol. How dorky is that? I apologize. I'm a dork.

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