Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Waking Up

People are slowly waking up, big-time. I see it every day. At least three people I know, who a scant year or so earlier stopped just short of calling me crazy, and accusing me of implying or thinking that my information was "special" (not my words), while the only thing "special" about it was the fact that I'd researched that information and they hadn't, yet they basically told me I was full of shit, just because they didn't believe it and hadn't looked into it. Now they want to hear what I have to say, and again there's nothing special about me at all...this information is there for all to see. The truth is finally sinking-in. It takes time.

 You don't wake up overnight. You can't. You can't just change your beliefs, and undo a lifetime of programming and social-engineering without a mental fight. Your brain has to process new and strange information, and most people don't like dealing with that at all. It takes you out of your comfort zone about as much as anything, but if you never leave your comfort zone you'll never grow. It's not easy waking up, and yes, it sucks finding out bad things, but it's reality, and the sooner you realize it the sooner you can adjust.

 People are waking up to the lies, the flip-flopping "Official Narrative," the blatant corruption, etc., and the fact that the people in power (the Elites) have absolutely NOTHING in common with we common commoners, although they've managed to convince most people that they love US above money and power and all that, but we're starting to see through that bullshit nonsense. 

 Speaking of see, all this blatant suppression of information will backfire on them. Eventually when people realize that certain info is being censored, they'll want to know what that info is, and that's a beautiful thing. Two things here- you can learn more by what's being suppressed than by what's being shown, and you don't get flack unless you're over the target. Can you dig it?

 People are also waking up to the sheer evil of these people, and that's key. I believe it's just as it says in the Good Book- that a light is being shone upon the darkness. We're seeing all this hellish and evil shit right in front of our faces, and you don't have to be "awake" to see it. The deepest sleepers are starting to see the evil, and how that couldn't be I haven't a clue, but better late than never. That same book also says "Woe unto those who take evil for good." "Woe" is a drastic understatement. I'd take it to heart.

 But guess what...with all that evil comes an even greater measure of GOOD. Everything in the Universe strives for a balance, and it can't be all evil. That's where God, my Father, and his Son Jesus Christ come in, but that's another story, and a personal decision whether to accept or reject Him, a choice we all may have to make at some point. Meanwhile people are waking up and it can't be denied, or, thank God, stopped, although they're trying their best. 

 Sadly many people will never wake up until it's too late, to the point of even denying bizarre shit that's going on right in front of their faces. It's resistance to change in any form. There's a cool name for the condition that I forget, but it says that basically some people are so deluded that even if they see things crumbling around them they'll deny it and convince themselves everything is normal, when it's anything but. That's a shame but it's human nature, and for the record it's also talked about in the Good Book. Those people are lost, and if anything happens they'll be helpless. Deny the facts at your own risk.

 People are waking up. Don't be left behind...in more ways than one. God bless, and have a nice day. 

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