Thursday, September 30, 2021

Three-Hour Tour

It looks like there may be some good news on the Bud-Greene re-onion deal. After we couldn't get our shit together earlier, I'm not holding my breath, but it does look like we may do a gig...and I do mean A gig only. If that's all we get, I'll take it. 

 The original plan was to do three months of practicing, learn some new songs, come out smoking-balls ready to play, and be better than we were before, and then book several gigs by October or so, but that fell apart.

 I was really bummed, but then I heard that O' had come up with the idea to do just one gig, with two "marathon" practice sessions. It'll be no different from 99.9% of all bands that do reunion gigs...we'll just play the same songs we played before. That'll certainly be okay, and fun...not quite as fun, but fun. 

 For a while it looked like even the one gig was off the table. A couple of us have some serious back and neck issues that are currently impeding our playing, but believe it or not the real reason was because of bullshit politics. I didn't know that O' had made the offer, or what the reason was, but when I found out what the deal was I couldn't let it go down like that without a fight at least, so I called O' again. We'd played phone-tag a couple months back when the idea got rolling, but we never spoke directly, and I wanted to at least touch base with him. 

 It's still up in the air, but I hope we can pull it off. I've already put a hell of a lot of sweat-equity into just getting the ball rolling, and I'd hate to see it go for naught. We want to play the 23rd of December, a perfect date, but the venue, Workplay, hasn't decided yet if they want to be open that night or not. If they knew how many people would show up they'd open in a heartbeat, and a couple of other clubs said they'd book us too, but it wasn't open back when we were happening, and nobody there knows of our reputation for packing local clubs. 

 It's my idea to do a call-in campaign and get our friends to call them and say they'll be there if we play the 23rd, but I wanted to run it by O' first, and I haven't heard back from him. We'd pack the fuck out of that place. For starters we should at least send them links to a couple of the Facebook posts about the reunion, so they can see the response. We had quite a following. 

 We'll see if it happens. I hope so. I think it'd do us a world of good, especially the wretched way the band ended. We could officially end the band on a good note as it were, and I might finally write that book about our adventures. The only reason I haven't written it is the way I'd have to end it, and reliving that is still rough. I could start the book with the ending first, and get the bad part out of the way at the beginning, but I don't want to be forced into that, and I don't know how or where I'd end it. I'd still put the bad shit in, because it happened, but I could end it with a happy epilog. I'd read it. 

Anywho it occurred to me the other day that if we do play just the one gig, and it's like a normal club gig, we'll play roughly three hours of total music time. The whole "tour" if you will will be just one gig, and three hours long. It'll literally be a "three-hour tour." It gave me a chuckle. I told Douggie and he loved it. I keep forgetting to run it by Greg but he'll probably be okay with it. If we three like it then it won't matter if O' does or not. 

 It'd certainly ring a bell with we old-timers, and it'd probably make for some cool t-shirts. Maybe I could draw a ship's wheel with a pot leaf in the middle, or something equally cheesy. It'd be truth in advertising, and you don't get that every day. 

 I got this cap printed but I'm not crazy about the font or the spacing. There's about a million places that do hats, and I may print a few if we do the gig. On the back it'll say "3HT." It'll be a collector's item. By around 2050 that is. Man I hope we can pull it off. We owe it to ourselves, and we don't have a hair on our asses if we can't do one fucking gig. I see it as a golden opportunity on a silver platter, for so many reasons, none the least of which hopefully a little healing, and I think we'd regret not doing it more than we may realize. Life is short. Bottom line is it'd be one motherfucker of a good time. Bud Greene'd be smokin'.





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