Sunday, September 26, 2021

Cosmic Coincidence #74,972,733,642,534,909,923,202

This is nuts. Day before yesterday I was outside staring at the trees when an odd thought hit me. It occurred to me that I haven't seen a Praying Mantis in about three years, and I wondered how they're doing in general. As we know some insect populations have exploded in "biblical proportions" (not my words) while some have plummeted. 

 Later that evening I sat down to boot-up the laptop. It was pretty dark in the room except for the light from the screen, and my eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the dark. I noticed what I thought was a piece of tape or something that had stuck to the laptop, but I had a closer look and I'll be danged if it wasn't a Praying Mantis. 

He seemed perfectly content just to hang out on the laptop, and he stayed there for about half an hour while I did computer stuff. I finally let him crawl onto my hand and I took him out and placed him in a potted plant. The texture of his skin matches that in the top of the laptop. Maybe he felt like he was camouflaged. I definitely enjoyed his company and he appeared not to be too bothered by mine. We have similar physiques, skinny and with gigantic pumpkin-heads, and I pray too. 

 I guess it just stopped by to let me know that the Mantii are doing okay. Much obliged, Sir or Madame Mantis. In a way it's like an answer to a prayer. It made me happy, and what can I was a trip. THIS HAS BEEN A COINCIDENCE. Have a nice day. 

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