Sunday, September 26, 2021

Random Funny # 743,974,632,530,530 (Koko and Flea)

There's a guy on YouTube who's an Italian bass player. He showcases bassists of all ages, creeds and colors from around the world. He's deadpan and dry as dust, but he's pretty funny. His main schtick is that he pretends to disparage these bassists, with titles such as "14 year-old Female Bassist Should be Banned" and things like that, but he's joking, and he obviously respects these players very much.

 In one of his recent vids titled "Cat Plays Bass Guitar" he shows a few seconds of the epic footage of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' bassist Flea, introducing Koko the gorilla to the bass. He says "Here we see one of the most iconic bass-players of all time, and on the left, Flea." That's funny. 

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