Friday, September 17, 2021

Australia and the NWO


Want to see what the New World Order looks like? Yeah? Wanna see what it's going to look like HERE, if we don't stand up to this tyranny? Look no further than Australia. You can't do shit in Australia right now, and only because of a handful of cases of the bug.

 Check out a vid or two. They're literally beating up old ladies for not wearing masks, or people sneaking out of their homes at night for a simple breath of fresh air. It's shameful and sickening. Again, welcome to the Beast System.

 Total control of every aspect of our lives has been the goal of the Illuminati, the Satanic Elite, the military-industrial complex, et. al. for a couple of centuries, and the plannedemic has given them the perfect opportunity. Only true narcissists want that kind of control, and these people give regular narcissists a bad name. They're beyond mere evil. Oh, and about 95% of them are Luciferians, but that's no biggie, right? 

 Guess what being locked in our houses all day and all night does to us, besides drastically increasing domestic abuse, alcohol and drug use, very serious depression, suicides, etc., it also destroys our immune systems. And for the millionth time I ask: How in the FUCK can you catch ANYTHING out in the fresh air? That alone should wake people up, but sadly it won't. The bad guys know EXACTLY what they're doing to us, and yet we go along with it, out of FEAR, end of story. 

 Think the Illuminati and the NWO and all is just conspiracy? If you can't accept the fact that it's at least a possibility, I can absolutely guarantee you one thing- you haven't looked into it for one second. If that's the case, please don't be an asshole and tell people like me that we're crazy, when we've been looking into this stuff for decades, as in my case, when you know NOTHING about it. All of this info is available to EVERYONE. Quit being stupid. Don't pretend you know something when you don't. That's extremely counterproductive.

 Be open to learning new ideas. I've changed a few of my beliefs radically over the past years, when better information comes along, and I can't deny it simply because I don't WANT it to be true. Again, the truth speaks entirely for itself, and we'll all know it one day. The bad guys are showing their hand. The veil is lifting. We'll see that soon enough, whether we believe it now or not.  

 Dig what Dr. Kerry Chant, chief health officer for New South Wales, had to say. "We will be looking at what contact-tracing looks like in the New World Order." There you have it folks. They're telling us right to our faces, and what else could be said about it? The ball is in our court. If we don't have the 'nads to stand up to this bullshit, then we deserve what's coming. Our kids on the other hand, don't. Wake up. 

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