Monday, June 28, 2021

Seriously-Honorable Mention: Would You Please Turn On the Fish Tanks?

[ ]This is my next-to-next-to-last gf Paige. That's two of our cats, Ringo on the right and Tabouli on the left. Paigey was a trip and she had a great sense of humor, quite unlike my last gf. We were together almost nine years, and for about the last 40% of that time I was playing music and touring full-time. I'd get in from a gig at all hours of the day, night or morning, depending on how far we had to drive home. Most times I'd roll in around dawn on average, and usually I'd crash on the couch so I wouldn't wake her up. She'd usually get up a couple of hours later, when I'd still be comatose. She'd be very quiet walking by but I'd stir out of my stupor. [ ]If I could move, sometimes I'd go get in bed and sleep for a few more hours, but most of the time I'd try to get up. Typically I'd get back on Sunday after being out of town from Wednesday or Thursday on, and I'd want to spend some time with my gal. Sometimes we'd play the weekend in town and that was a different story. Usually she'd be joining in as long as it wasn't a school-night. Many times she'd have to join in whether she wanted to or not, because we'd head back over to the apt we shared and stay up getting buzzed and laughing until dawn, and she'd be in the next room, bless her heart. [ ]The only time we ever got really loud was when we were laughing, and we did a LOT of laughing. We put some fun vibes into that building. Luckily almost every one of our neighbors happened to be good friends of mine, and even my sister for a time, and nobody could really get that mad at people who were laughing their asses off. It was contagious. Anyway If I'd been out of town I'd make plans to try to sit up in the next few minutes but I'd still be in La-La Land. I had several aquariums at that apartment. I didn't have them on timers but I turned the lights on and off at roughly the same time every day. Paige was great about taking care of the fish while I was gone and I never had a single problem even if I were gone for ten days straight. [ ]One morning after I'd been asleep maybe three hours she walked in and I sort of woke up. I got my bearings and realized I wasn't on the road any more and saw Paige walking by. "Could you turn-on the fish tanks please?" I asked. "Sure" she said. She must have been feeling her oats because she got a sly grin on her face, walked over to the aquariums, unbuttoned her shirt and flashed the tanks. I lost it laughing and it became a thing. I have to say that she had a kickass sense of humor, and she sure knew how to turn-on an aquarium.

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