Saturday, June 12, 2021

Save Your Balls: Silver Nut-Protection

[ ]These cotton/silver boxers are the latest thing in shielding the coconurtz from EMF radiation from cellphones, WiFi and such. Don't believe it's an issue? People like my bro-in-law tell me I'm full of shit for even discussing EMFs. He just quotes what "They" say ("Of COURSE it's safe!") and that's it. I've known him over a quarter-century, and not one time have I ever heard him do anything but parrot the "official explanation." Not once. I think that's very dangerous to never question a damn thing, but that's how most people are these days. Google handles most of their thinking for them. [ ]If you still don't believe that EMF radiation is harmful, maybe you should check out some of the hundreds of videos measuring radiation from cellphones alone, or look at the PET scans that show for example the brain before and after a call is made and the phone is held to the ear. It should make everyone who sees it ALWAYS use the speaker. The vids show people measuring EMF radiation both before and during a call. They try to blow it off and say that it's only a small dose, which is somewhat true, but the effects of radiation are CUMULATIVE. It adds up. And again, all those people who see the vids and immediately cry "'SHOPPED!" are just showing their ignorance. For all the videos to be fake it would mean that every single one of the people who post them not only have some very sophisticated editing software, but also the knowledge to use it, and that's impossible. It just shows how most people think with their feelings rather than their brains. Study after study shows the effects of EMFs on things, and it's not good. Ignore them if you like. [ ]I'd buy these boxers if they weren't $89. That's insane, and I know there are ones that sell for much less. What attracted me was the name- SYB. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing it means "Save Your Balls." That's excellent. So many of these so-called "EMF protectors" are quack stuff. These boxers have 45% silver thread, and that's legit, or at least as legit as it gets. The safest thing to do is to not keep your phone in your pocket, but most people can't do that. They make phone cases that supposedly shield agaiunst EMFs but again some of them don't work. If you keep your phone in your pocket the best thing to do is put a shield between the phone and your nuts. There are several products on the market, but you can just fold up a sheet of heavy-duty foil into quarters and put it in your pocket. That's what I do if I need to have my phone on me. They make patches that affix to the inside of your pocket. That might not be convienient for many people, especially if you like to change your pants once in a while. They come in 3-packs, so if you get two you could EMP-proof your balls for almost a week. Foil works fine though. [ ]If you still don't believe that radiation from cellphones and such is harmless, maybe you should go to the US Patent Office's website and search the patent for cell technology. It's extremely unusual in that the inventor put in a statement saying that he didn't recommend the technology for general use because THE RADIATION IS DANGEROUS. I can't believe they left that in there but they did and you can see it for yourself. Think that stopped them from releasing the technology, knowing it was harmful? Obviously not. Do you REALLY think that these people have our best interests at heart, or are they only concerned with the Almighty Dollar? If you think it's the former then you should probably go back to Lol Cats and puppies and rainbows and Unicorns and shit, because I can't help you. If you won't believe me, or hundreds of videos or even your own gub-mint, then go on back to Facebook. Maybe you've gotten a new Like. Don't worry about the fact that mens' sperm counts have decreased by 50% since the 70s, and this is part of the reason's no problem 'cause they say so, right? [ ]You don't have to buy $89 underwear to protect the fam jewels. A quarter's worth of aluminum foil will do the trick. If you want to get a dedicated shield, then more power to you. Or rather LESS power to you. Your balls anyway. They'd be comfortable too. They have a bit of nylon, which in the case of silver threads is a good thing, to help hold the shape, but if you take away the silver they're mostly-cotton. You'd have EMF-proof and breathable balls. How could you go wrong? If I were out playing music or whatever and actually out in public again I'd get a pair of SYB skivvies in a heartbeat, and I'd have zero qualms about using them as an opening line, and even unbottoning my Levi's to show the logo. When you get to be my age, and old and feeble and decrepit, you don't give a damn, and if you get slapped it's no'll let you know you're still alive and still in the game. Bring it. Should you stop listening every time they tell you that something is perfectly safe, when down the road the truth comes out that it was bullshit and they knew all along but they lied to your face (witness: 1-800-BAD DRUG for example), and should you take steps to protect your balls? Well, they're your balls.

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