Monday, June 14, 2021

Mark of the Beast?

Is the microchip the Mark of the Beast? I think so. Revelations 13:16-18 says: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Is this just another "coincidence," like so many people say? If you ever read Revelations with an open mind, and compare it to what's going on right this minute, the "coincidences" should blow you away, but not everyone is going to see it. The key phrase is "Him that hath understanding." Many people will literally be blinded to this. It's called the "Great Deception." Prepare to be deceived. [ ]As I've said a million times, when these "coincidences" start adding up, at some point, and there's a name for it that I can't remember, but you must start to treat it as something besides coincidence, and Vegas oddsmakers will actually give odds on things like that, and believe me they bet on a hell of a lot more than just sports. I don't think it's a coincidence, and in fact I've been meaning for years to do a post about how we'd know that the Good Book is real when the microchip comes into play. It's going to be a part of the cashless-society (which is going to SUCK). Without it you won't be able to buy or sell. Hmm...isn't that interesting. Way back when I first heard about the Mark, I wondered how it could prevent us from buying or selling, but since there will be no cash transactions, you can't access your funds without a chip. And there you have it. Coincidence? It sure is a good one if so. [ ]A surprising number of people think that the jabbo is the Mark, but I say no way. For one thing I know lots of Chriistians who've been jabbed, but they'd NEVER take the chip. Plus there may come a time when people are forced to be vackzed, and taking the chip will be totally up to the individual. It CAN'T be forced upon anyone. I'll never take the jab unless they tie me down and poke me, and you can bet your ass I'll never get chipped. The story goes that if you take it you'll be signing your very soul away for all of eternity. If you don't believe in an afterlife that's fine. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Honestly I hope I'm wrong, and when we die that's all she wrote. Why? Because if it's true, then we're all going to have to face judgement one day, and eternity is a long time. You're free to believe or not believe, and also free to take the chip. God gave us free will. [ ]If you could ask @d0lph #1tler himself what the best way to introduce something like the chip is to have people beg for it, and that's exactly what's going to happen. How? Well, first of all they'll try to sell you on the idea of being able to wave your hand and pay for your shit, which I admit is convienient, but more than that it'll be cyber-hacking. It's rampant now. You may have heard that the world's largest meat-packing plant was shut down, causing ripple effects we haven't felt yet. I'm not much of a meat-eater these days but even if I took the chip I couldn't afford to buy anything anyway. The price of Filet Mignon just hit $30 a pound. Really? Bon appetit. Of course Dr. Bill Gates and all the elites want us all to be eating veggie burgers, lab-grown "meats" and even insects anyway, but you get the idea. BTW do you know what the elites call us? They call us "useless eaters." Look it up. It's true. They also call us "cattle" or "Goyum," which is the Hebrew word for cattle. Wake up. [ ]Soon enough cyber-hacking will begin to affect everyone on the planet. It already is, but most people aren't completly aware of it yet. When people's personal shit starts to be hacked, and you can bet your ass they'll make sure we know all about it, people will beg for the chip, for the "security" it provides. It will be secure, except from the designers, who in case you didn't know, build "back doors" into ALL this technology, whereby they can access your personal info without hacking or leaving any trace. The elites will know how and where you spend every penny, and they'll know every breath you take and every fart you make. No kidding. They can track you through the light bulbs you buy. That's right...light bulbs. Don't believe it? They're being used in nursing homes to track patients who might wander off, and they're the SAME BULBS we buy. If you think they make a "special edition" only for nursing homes...well, that's what they'd have us believe. The problem, for the elites anyway, is that some of us have woken up, and they know it. [ ]The story goes that Satan knows his time is short, and he also knows his eventual fate- the Lake of Fire. Alls he can do is the next best thing...taking as many souls with him as he can, and that doesn't include the MILLIONS who already worship him openly, and their ranks are growing by the minute. Speaking of Satan, did you hear that last year the Church of Satan partnered with Planned Parenthood? I wonder why. They made a big deal out of it at first but thank God there was enough backlash that they dropped the ad campaign, but they're still parternered, and you can check for yourself. Why would we EVER see such a wicked partnership in a supposedly-educated society? It's because killing babies is RITUAL SACRIFICE. If you can believe that "life" doesn't start until a baby comes out of the womb, you need to check your head. You're all about the bullshit propaganda they spew. They try to spin it like it's just about "My body, my choice," which BTW should equally extend to those who don't want to take the Jaberooski, although it won't be, but it's all lies. Satan is the Father of Lies and the Lord of the Flies. So...the Church of Satan hooked-up with Planned Parenthood. I say that could happen ONLY in the last days, where as the Good Book says, we'll take evil for good and good for evil. How could they spin this into ANYTHING positive, when it's pure evil? Bet your butt they'll try. [ ]People like me have been talking about this for years. I did a post a while back listing about half a dozen things I've been talking about in my blog as long as ten years that have come true, but when I talk about what else is to come, because I've done MY OWN RESEARCH, people still say I'm full of shit. They're just afraid, because they KNOW in the back of their minds that all this could well be true. No one can prove it isn't true any more than they can prove it is. If it IS true, then people who take the Mark will be in trouble in the afterlife, and it's irreversable. If you take the chip you lose your soul, or so the story goes, and you can't just cut it out and go back to square one. The chip will allegedly alter our DNA at some point, and if you don't think it could happen, look into how people's DNA is changing before our very eyes. It's very enlightening. [ ]When you start looking into all the "coincidences" in the Bible, you have to understand that when they were describing these future events, they didn't have the same words we do today. There was no word for "meteor" for example, so they called them "flaming rocks" (and flaming mountains...heads-up, y'all), which is exactly what they are. They certainly didn't have a word for microchip, so it was natural for them to say "mark." They got it right about it being in the right hand. To be fair it also said that the Mark could be on the forehead, but it mentions the right hand first thing. A few people have had the chip implanted in their left hand, but it's only natural it'd be in the right hand, since most people are right-handed. [ ]This is going off on a tangent, but I can do that. A good while back, maybe 15 years or more, a famous scientist announced that he was going to follow God and accept Jesus as his savior. It wasn't because of some calling or epiphany or a "religious experience;" it was beasically him playing the odds. He figured that if God and the Devil are real and there's an afterlife, he wants to go to the good place. He also figured that if it's not real, then that's fine too. At least he tried to live his life in a "Christian" way, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I wish I could remember his name. I'd love to know where he stands today. I hope he's held to his convictions and not been lured back by the religion (yes, it started as a RELIGION, and STILL IS to many people) called science (SCIENCE). May God protect him. [ ]I'll admit that technically I subscribe to the same notion...if it's all just a fairy tale, then no harm, no foul. I've tried to live at least partly a godly life, although no one who read more than one or two of my posts would think I'm a Bible-thumper or whatever. I can't claim to be truly a godly man for a second, although most of the time I try. If there's a Hell then I don't want to go there. But for me it goes MUCH deeper than self-preservation. I feel a personal connection to the Creator, "God," "Yeshua, " "I Am," a "Higher Power" (HP) or whatever term you doesn't matter. People get up in arms when people use the terms "God" and "Jesus," saying that it should be "Yeshua" or "Yahusha" or any number of spellings, but they're arguing over the trees and not the forest. It's irrelevent. God knows what's in our hearts. As long as you call ON Him it doesn't matter what you CALL Him. He knows. Just don't be one of the BILLONS who'll call on the other guy...the "AC" for short. Many will be deceived. [ ]And if you want to talk about God and "coincidences," I've mentioned several times when I prayed to God and BOOM...within literally a second something truly unique happened, and if they were mere coincidences then the odds were staggering. Like the time I was just a couple of days from leaving my old apartment and my river and my animals, which I had to do to get away from an evil, evil person, but had me so despondent I was about to cry. I said a prayer..."Father, I know You're busy but I'd sure love to know that You were still in my corner," and within half a second I saw a blinding, literally, rainbow that completely overwhelmed my vision. It was like a rainbow plasma ball hit me in the face and I mean it hit me. It startled the shit out of me and scared me at first. I thought maybe I was having an acid-flashback, which is extremely unlikely, and rarely occurs anyway, or maybe I was having an extreme occular migraine or maybe even about to have a was that intense. [ ]It took me a few seconds to recover, and try to locate the source. I thought it was the Sun shining on a glass bottle maybe, or someone was blowing bubbles or something. I finally realized that it was the very last ray of the Sun shining on the tail of a female Cardinal, and bouncing at the PRECISE angle to momentarily blind me. With a rainbow. BTW the rainbow may have been appropriated by a certain group that's part of the alphabet-soup gang, but originally it was God's covenent to us thet the world wouldn't have a second flood. Anyway it was without question the most intense visual thing I've ever seen, except if I was tripping, and I think it beat even that stuff. The Sun was literally seconds from setting and almost gone, and what was left was filtering through woods. I looked as far as I could see in both directions, and it was the only ray of Sun to be seen. I could see the entire ray and it was focused like a laser beam, and it'd have to be to cause such an effect. I'm a bit of a birdwatcher and I've seen a million birds in the Sun and I've never seen anything close to that. It flipped me out, and I think it would anyone. Coincidence? Maybe. But I say God is good. [ ]That's one of many "coincidences" that happened when I prayed. When I was telling my friend Beck the story a while back, and at the very instant I mentioned it, the biggest butterfly I've ever seen in my life in person fluttered up onto the deck and started hovering a foot from my nose. He was checking me out. He (or she) then did a few figure-8s, hovered in front of my nose for a few more seconds and then flew off. Beck was getting off on it as I was telling her about it. It was three times the size of a Monarch, and the distinctive pattern wasn't there. We know for a fact that for the last several years, birds, insects and other animals have been found in places they've never been seen in before, and the general consensus is that it's interference with the magnetic field lines of the Earth, which they use to navigate. That had to be what happened because I've never seen another butterfly that big (and seemingly keenly-aware of me) ever before, but the timing was impeccable. We talk about things being on "God's time." [ ]So the it REALLY the Mark of the Beast? 666? We'll have to wait and see, but it's one hell of a coincidence. People will be begging for it just like they were for El Jabbo, and the pressure to get it will be intense. After all, if you can't buy or sell without it, which BTW will become FACT once a cashless society is implemented, how can we get by without it? For some of us that'a where God comes in. We believe He's looking out for us, no matter how distant He may seem sometimes. If He's real then one thing's for sure...He's got His hands full right now. This is WAR. Spiritual war that is. "For we wrestle not with powers of the flesh, but with the Powers of the Air." People will line-up to get chipped. [ ]If and when we all get 'chipped, one of two things will happen. Either it will be all good, and everybody will be overjoyed at being able to get rid of heavy ol' wallets and nasty, germy ol' cash, and be able to forget all their passwords and such, and there's not a nefarious deal to it, and we're just tripping, which could be true, or it's exactly like it was predicted in the Bible 2K years ago, and it's basically the equivalent of selling your soul for all of eternity. If you never want to think about that possibility that's fine, but if all this is true, then this earthly life is a blink of an eye, and it's our SPIRITUAL bodies, not our flesh-and-blood ones that are the true deal. It's like if you took the entire spectrum of light and laid it over a map stretching from Mexico into Canada, the tiny range of light that humans can see is equivalent to someone walking along that imaginary line, and taking a single step in Midland, Texas or wherever, and while the light spectrum goes on a great distance in either direction it's finite, and infinity isn't. It goes on forever. [ ]Most people would never connect the chip to the Mark of the Beast, if they even know about it. Most people haven't read Revelations. It's a great read no matter what your beliefs are, and it reads like the craziest Sci-Fi novel you ever read and that's no joke, and if you do happen to read it and think it's just a lot of crazy coincidinces, that's up to you. I don't think it is, and it's my right, my God-given right, to think so. Even if I starve to death I'll never take the chip, and if it should happen to be forced on me then that exempts me, since I'd never take it willingly. The Bible clearly states that the chip won't be forced upon anyone, and I think that will be the case in the 21st century. [ ]Oh, and did you know that there will be a deal where you'll have to renounce religion, specifically Jesus Christ, when you take it? That's right. Look it up. I forget what clever bullshit they came up with to justify making people swear-off their faith, but it's part of it. It's already written out. I'll look more into it and find out exactly where it says it. It's true, and it's all I need to know. You're not scratching your head and wondering about this shit by now? If you look at things from a standpoint that God and the Devil are real, then everything people say, no matter how crazy it sounds, actually makes perfect sense. If I were an evil entity and I controlled the way most humans act, those things are exactly what I'd do. Some of the tactics (theoretically-employed) are actually recognized war-stratagies, and there you go. It IS war. [ ]If it comes down to having to be 'chipped in order to access your money, which chances are you'll beg to be soon, will you take it? Again it doesn't seem fair, but then again the Devil doesn't play fair. People who've never heard about will they know it could hurt them? I believe the only answer is that somehow we'll know the deal, and the fact that if people have to renounce Christ and others just to be able to get it, should send as clear a message as possible, to those with ears to hear anyway, or perhaps just those who are tripping, right? If it comes to it we'll all have to decide whether we take it or not, and there will be immense pressure to do it, including people like me. I'm not looking forward to that scenario at all but I know the choice I'll make. [ ]I don't share the belief that the jabbage is the Mark of the Beast, but I do believe all the plannedemic and 6' nonsense and mask bullshit was all just getting us ready for it, and when the hacking hits home people will beg for it. Not me. I'm not a gamblin' man, and I sure ain't gonna gamble with my soul, right or wrong. If I'm wrong and a chip is just a chip, then I'll starve. If I'm right I'll spent eternity in the presence of my Heavenly Father, and friends and fam who made it there, not to mention millions of amazing people I never met, for all of time. I used to wonder if Heaven might be boring...sitting up on a cloud playing harp all day long, but that didn't last long. It says that in Heaven all our "heart's desires" will be met. [ ]As far as that idea goes I can sure dig it, but I'm not sure it applies to every single desire. Either that or all our carnal nature will be stripped away and we'll no longer have the desire for those things, which would make sense, since there'll be no pain or sorrow either, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't welcome a puff here and there, and making love to a beautiful woman, in Heaven or on Earth. Notice I didn't say "fucking" this time. I'm talking about Heaven here. They say we'll have gameful employment, and whatever our jobs are we'll love every minute of them. It says we'll reign with Jesus on a "new" Earth for 1,000 years. It also says that after that time Satan will be realeased "for a time" to deceive the masses yet again, and some people have brought up the very valid point that we could be living in those years right now. That's a shitty thought but it can't be ruled out. Either way I've never understood why in HELL God would want to release Satan again after a thousand years, but to have faith you have to believe in things we can't prove. Like "gravity" for instance. It's a THEORY, but it's taken as FACT. Think about it. [ ]Like I said the "Mark" thing would be the final straw if I were trying to tell whether or not the things that were predicted 2,000 years ago are actually coming to pass, especially if I had to renounce Jesus. I'd never do that anyway but it'd tell me that it was EXACTLY what was predicted. To have a "mark" in your right hand, which without you can't buy anything, just hits way too close to home for me to just be a coincidence, but I can't say for sure. I can only say what I believe. Speaking of home, if this is true my home will be in Heaven. My job will obviously be a musician, and in Heaven I won't be just a DRUMMER...I'll be a MUSICIAN. My other job will be to look after all the animals, especially ones who were neglected. Not to mention that according to some but doubted by others ("Animals don't have a 'soul'"), animals go to Heaven too, and that thought makes me jump for joy. [ ]If there's no Heaven or Hell and when you die that's it...just like turning off a light switch, then that's fine too. And if some people don't take the chip and starve or worse, than we're all dumbasses and we'll die for no reason. If we're right, then in the end we win. They can do to us what they will while we're on Earth, but they can't take our SOULS unless we give them to them, and they know that. If this comes to pass, and it looks like it will, and people are already doing it, if you find yourself in a quandry about it, and believe me I'll feel for you, and if you want to know if God is really real, I'd suggest praying for discernment first, and forgiveness next. Then I'd pray for the Full Armor of God every day, but you'll get into all that if you join our team. I've said it before and I'll say it again, and this will be a toughie. One day you may have to make a choice, and this one could affect you for all eternity. Choose wisely, my friend. Have a nice day.

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