Friday, June 11, 2021

Heron Visit

[ ]Yesterday was another of those crazy coinkidinks, and it was a good one. One of the very first, and certainly the most interesting people I met on the meteor page on YouTube back in early 2016 was a cat who went by the name of Jeffrey the Heron. He was a trip and a half. He was super-smart and his sense of humor was bonkers. A bunch of us would get in the chat after dinner most nights and he'd have everybody rolling. He was extremely quick, and he'd reply to comments with one that was brilliant, but still so funny and out-there that it just blew us away, and there were some funny individuals in that chat. I've said before that if I hadn't become a drummer I'd have been a research scientist, and I'd have gotten grants to study things like why some people are hilarious and some aren't. I'd hook volunteers up to a PET scan or whatever and see which areas of the brain lit-up when they cracked a joke, both a standard joke and an impromptu one. Jeff would be a perfect study. [ ]I haven't talked to him in about two years, and yesterday he popped into my head so I sent him a text to wish him and his family well. I don't know if I'll hear back from him or even if the number I have is still current, but I tried. About a minute after I texted him I heard a strange sound outside, like maybe a really loud cat hurking-up a furball or a really pissed-off squirrel or something. I went outside and it was loud as shit but at first I didn't see what was making it. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye and turned to see a large, dark bird flying off, as the sound trailed off and dropped in pitch. It was a young Blue Heron. I had to laugh. What a coincidence. [ ]Adult Herons have a distinctive and funky call that sounds sort of like a cross between a dog barking and an angry old man grunting, but since this one was a baby it hadn't quite gotten there yet, and I didn't recognize it. It was still loud as fuck but it had a different tonality. But what are the odds of seeing a Heron a minute after texting a guy named Jeffrey the Heron? I've seen one other Heron here but that was two years ago, and about as long as it'd been since I'd called Jeffrey the Heron. I love life's little coinkidinks. Or is it synchs? I'm going to call them "Synchidinks" from now on. They're loads of fun. So after two years I text this guy called Jeffrey the Heron, and a minute later I see a baby Blue Heron appear not fifty feet away from me, and also for the first time in two years. Interesting, no? THIS HAS BEEN A COINCIDENCE.

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